Australia and the Kingdom of Thailand, hereinafter in this Agreement referred to as the "Parties";
Inspired by the traditional links of friendship and the cordial relations which exist between them, and their shared regional interests and ties;
Aware of the increasing importance of trade and investment for the future prosperity of the economies of the Asia-Pacific region;
Conscious that open, transparent and competitive markets are the key drivers of economic efficiency, innovation, wealth creation and consumer welfare;
Recognising the importance of promoting the flow of capital for economic activity and development and aware of its role in expanding economic relations between them, particularly with respect to investment by investors of one Party in the territory of the other Party;
Reaffirming their willingness to strengthen and reinforce the multilateral trading system as reflected in the World Trade Organization (WTO);
Mindful of their commitment to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) goals of free and open trade and investment;
Recalling the contribution made to the development of their bilateral trade relationship of the Trade Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand, done at Bangkok on 5 October 1979 and the Agreement on Economic Cooperation between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand, done atBangkok6 August 1990;
Further recalling the Agreement on Development Cooperation between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand, done at Bangkok on 2 February 1989; and
Desiring to strengthen the cooperative framework for the conduct of economic relations to ensure it is dynamic and encourages broader and deeper economic cooperation;
Have agreed as follows:
Table of contents
- Preamble
- Chapter 1: Objectives and Definitions
- Chapter 2: Trade in Goods
- Chapter 3: Customs Procedures
- Chapter 4: Rules of Origin
- Chapter 5: Safeguards
- Chapter 6: Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and Food Standards
- Chapter 7: Industrial Technical Barriers to Trade
- Chapter 8: Trade in Services
- Chapter 9: Investment
- Chapter 10: Movement of Natural Persons
- Chapter 11: Electronic Commerce
- Chapter 12: Competition Policy
- Chapter 13: Intellectual Property
- Chapter 14: Transparent Administration of Laws and Regulations
- Chapter 15: Government Procurement
- Chapter 16: General Exceptions
- Chapter 17: Institutional Provisions
- Chapter 18: Consultations and Dispute Settlement
- Chapter 19: Final Provisions
- Annexes and side letters