Australia achieved a high-quality Comprehensive Economic Partnership with the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This document outlines Australia's key objectives during the negotiations.
Increase two-way investment
Facilitate two-way investment between Australia and the UAE, including in those sectors that underpin the energy transition, whilst protecting the government's right to regulate in the public interest.
Expand trade in goods
- Significantly improve market access for Australian agricultural and industrial products by eliminating tariff and non-tariff barriers.
- Reduce barriers to trade and costs through modern customs, rules of origin and trade facilitation procedures.
Improve access for service providers
Lock in access for services suppliers and create opportunities in sectors of key commercial interest, such as education, financial and professional services.
Facilitate digital trade
Establish digital trade commitments which strike a balance between facilitating modern trade across all sectors of the economy and ensuring appropriate protections in the online environment.
Promote balanced protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights
- Support innovation and creativity through the facilitation of trade and investment in intellectual property
- Maintain a balance between the interests of rights holders and users and the public interest.
Secure competitive opportunities
- Agree on rules that assist small and medium-sized enterprises to take advantage of the benefits of the CEPA
- Ensure commercially meaningful access to the UAE's government procurement market for Australian suppliers on the basis of clear, non-discriminatory and transparent rules for tendering
- Promote fair and open market conditions and consumer protection and outcomes that support good regulatory practice in both countries.
Promote shared values on inclusive and sustainable trade
- Promote compliance with internationally recognised labour standards
- Foster cooperation and collaboration on gender and women's economic empowerment
- Ensure high levels of environmental protection, consistent with internationally agreed principles, standards and rules.
Encourage First Nations Trade and Investment
- Promote First Nations trade and investment and protect the integrity of indigenous arts and cultural products.
- Reserve Australia's right to implement policy measures that provide more favourable treatment to Australian First Nations people.
Establish strong legal and institutional frameworks to ensure the effective implementation of the FTA
Establish streamlined institutional mechanisms to ensure the agreement operates efficiently, and provides for more open and effective consultation and information sharing; Include a review mechanism to ensure the CEPA remains up-to-date and relevant.