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Fifth Round of Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) negotiations

The fifth round of IA-CEPA negotiations was hosted by Indonesia in Bandung from 31 October – 4 November 2016. This was the third round of negotiations to be held since IA-CEPA's reactivation by Ministers in March 2016.

The Australian delegation was led by DFAT and included representatives of the Departments of: Agriculture and Water Resources, Education and Training, Immigration and Border Protection and Industry. The Indonesian delegation was led by the Ministry of Trade and included representatives from a number of Ministries and Agencies including: Agriculture, Communication and Information Technology, Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy and Mineral Resources, Environment and Forestry, Finance, Foreign Affairs, Health, Industry, National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), National Standardization Agency (BSN), Manpower, Public Works and Housing, and Tourism.

Australia and Indonesia exchanged initial market access offers and discussed text for all prospective chapters during the round. Dedicated negotiating groups and technical working groups met, including on goods, technical barriers to trade, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, customs procedures and trade facilitation, rules of origin, telecommunications services, investment, economic cooperation, E-commerce, financial services, competition policy and institutional and framework provisions. Chief Negotiators from Australia and Indonesia recommitted to concluding negotiations before the end of 2017.

The sixth round of negotiations is scheduled to take place in Australia in February 2017.

Last Updated: 15 November 2016
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