Business opportunities
DFAT has shortlisted the following organisations
7 Facilitating Partner respondents:
Abt Associates Pty Ltd, Cardno Emerging Markets (Australia) Pty Ltd, CowaterSogema International Inc. operating as Cowater International, Niras Australia Pty Ltd, Palladium International Pty Ltd, Yayasan Tifa, The Asia Foundation
21 Delivery Partner respondents:
International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), Kemitraan Bagi Pembaruan Tata Pemerintahan, Lembaga Pengkajian kemasyarakatan dan Pembangunan (LPKP) Jawa Timur, Perkumpulan Indonesia untuk Buruh Migran Berdaulat - MIGRANT CARE, Perkumpulan INFID, Perkumpulan KAPAL Perempuan, Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI), Perkumpulan Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia Untuk Keadilan Dan Demokrasi, Pimpinan Pusat 'Aisyiyah, PT Remdecotama Swaprakarsa, Sasana Inklusi dan Gerakan Advokasi Difabel Indonesia (SIGAB Indonesia), Stichting Hivos, The Australian National University, The International Labour Organization (ILO) Country Office for the Indonesia and Timor Leste, Trade Union Rights Centre (TURC), Yayasan BaKTI (Bursa Pengetahuan Kawasan Timur Indonesia), Yayasan CARE Peduli, Yayasan PATTIRO, Yayasan Pemberdayaan Perempuan Kepala Keluarga - The Foundation of Women Headed Family Empowerment (PEKKA), Yayasan Penguatan Partisipasi Inisiatif dan Kemitraan Masyarakat Indonesia (YAPPIKA), Yayasan Sosial Indonesia untuk Kemanusiaan.
Berikut adalah daftar pendek organisasi yang dipilih DFAT:
7 calon Mitra Fasilitator:
Abt Associates Pty Ltd, Cardno Emerging Markets (Australia) Pty Ltd, CowaterSogema International Inc. operating as Cowater International, Niras Australia Pty Ltd, Palladium International Pty Ltd, Yayasan Tifa, The Asia Foundation
21 calon Mitra Pelaksana:
International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), Kemitraan Bagi Pembaruan Tata Pemerintahan, Lembaga Pengkajian kemasyarakatan dan Pembangunan (LPKP) Jawa Timur, Perkumpulan Indonesia untuk Buruh Migran Berdaulat - MIGRANT CARE, Perkumpulan INFID, Perkumpulan KAPAL Perempuan, Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI), Perkumpulan Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia Untuk Keadilan Dan Demokrasi, Pimpinan Pusat 'Aisyiyah, PT Remdecotama Swaprakarsa, Sasana Inklusi dan Gerakan Advokasi Difabel Indonesia (SIGAB Indonesia), Stichting Hivos, The Australian National University, The International Labour Organization (ILO) Country Office for the Indonesia and Timor Leste, Trade Union Rights Centre (TURC), Yayasan BaKTI (Bursa Pengetahuan Kawasan Timur Indonesia), Yayasan CARE Peduli, Yayasan PATTIRO, Yayasan Pemberdayaan Perempuan Kepala Keluarga - The Foundation of Women Headed Family Empowerment (PEKKA), Yayasan Penguatan Partisipasi Inisiatif dan Kemitraan Masyarakat Indonesia (YAPPIKA), Yayasan Sosial Indonesia untuk Kemanusiaan.
23 June 2020
The Request for Expression of Interest (RFEOI) for AIPTIS closed on 13 January 2020.
DFAT received 14 proposals for the Facilitating Partner stream and 61 proposal for the Delivery Partner stream.
DFAT assessed the proposals received and shortlisted 7 Facilitating Partner respondents and 21 Delivery Partner respondents to be invited to the Stakeholder Collaborative Workshop.
Permintaan Pernyataan Minat untuk AIPTIS (RFEOI) telah ditutup tanggal 13 Januari 2020.
DFAT menerima 14 proposal untuk jalur Mitra Fasilitator dan 61 proposal untuk jalur Mitra Pelaksana.
DFAT telah menilai proposal yang masuk dan telah menentukan daftar pendek dari tanggapan yang diterima, terdiri dari 7 responden Mitra Fasilitator dan 21 responden Mitra Pelaksana untuk diundang ke Lokakarya Kolaborasi Pemangku Kepentingan.
17 April 2020
An addendum for this Request for Expression of Interest (RFEOI) has now been released as of 13 December 2019 on AusTender. Austender: DFAT-276
13 December 2019
The Request for Expression of Interest (RFEOI) has now been released as of 03 December 2019 on AusTender.
Industry Briefing
An industry briefing will be held Tuesday, 10 December 2019, at Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Jakarta – Diponegoro, No. 17 Jalan Pegangsaan Timur, Jakarta, 10310, Indonesia.
Further information on how to register for the briefing.
AIPTIS is an upcoming partnership program between the Australian and Indonesian Governments to contribute towards inclusive democracy in Indonesia.
Working with civil society, AIPTIS will ensure more women, children and minority groups can benefit from Indonesia's social, political and economic opportunities.
The investment will involve a partnership approach between a Facilitating Partner (Managing Contractor) and Delivery Partners (civil society organisations (CSOs)).
DFAT anticipates undertaking a two-stage procurement process via the AusTender website, commencing in December 2019 including:
- Stage 1 – Requests for Expressions of Interest (RFEOI).
- Stage 2 – Requests for Tender (RFT).
Large version of flowchart.
Collaborative Process
AIPTIS will introduce a collaborative approach to its design by leveraging stakeholder experience and expertise. Inputs for the design may be sought on:
- program priorities and outcomes; and
- working in partnership to support policy reform.
The purpose of this collaborative approach is to provide structured opportunities for collaborative design; build consensus on program outcomes and the approach to implementation; and to build relationships ahead of the investment's mobilisation at the end of 2020. This will be done primarily through collaborative stakeholder workshops involving shortlisted Respondents.
Through this dialogue process, solutions will not be limited by predetermined specifications and this gives potential Delivery Partners and Facilitating Partners an excellent opportunity to come up with new ways of doing things.
Other ways to get involved
Alongside RFEOI responses, stakeholders will be invited to register their interest in the investment for potential downstream partnering opportunities. This invitation will be released concurrently on this website and is intended to remain open to the market for the duration of the process.
What's next
An in-person communications briefing will be held shortly after the release of the RFEOI to provide further detail on the process. Details for this briefing will be provided in the RFEOI.
Contact details
Please refer questions to
This information is provided for planning purposes only and it does not represent solicitation or constitute a request for proposal, nor is it a commitment to purchase or tender for any described services. The scale, scope and focus of any proposed program may change at any time and is subject to formal approval by the Australian and Indonesian Governments before any procurement process will commence. Should a procurement be approved, it is expected to commence later in the 2019 calendar year. This information is subject to delays, revision or cancellations.
This information is provided for planning purposes only and it does not represent solicitation or constitute a request for proposal, nor is it a commitment to purchase or tender for any described services. The scale, scope and focus of any proposed program may change at any time and is subject to formal approval by the Australian and Indonesian Governments before any procurement process will commence. Should a procurement be approved, it is expected to commence later in the 2019 calendar year. This information is subject to delays, revision or cancellations.