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Australian Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement Program – Phase Three (AMENCA 3) – Palestinian Farmers Connecting to Markets mid-term review report and management response

Summary of publication

AMENCA 3 is an approximate $32 million investment that commenced in 2016 and is the third phase of the Australia Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement (AMENCA) Program that first commenced in 2005. As a key part of Australia's aid program for the Palestinian Territories (PTs), it provides economic and livelihood opportunities for rural communities and has a focus on engagement of women. It is implemented by a consortia of three Australian and Palestinian non-government organisations and is supported by technical advisers. AMENCA 3 uses a Market Systems Development (MSD) approach which has subsequently evolved into a 'hybrid' MSD approach in recognition of the unique and complex economic and social conditions that exist in the PTs.

An independent mid-term review was commissioned by DFAT in early 2019 to 1) determine the progress of the program against its objectives to date; 2) provide an evidence base and advice that would help to determine whether the program should be extended; and 3) advise if/what adjustments might enhance the program's future direction.

The review found that AMENCA 3 had achieved considerable success, and demonstrated that, even in challenging circumstances, markets can grow for the benefit of smallholders with the right support and mentoring. The program has a growing reputation with farming communities and the private sector for the relevance of its approach in building economic opportunity and growth in the PTs' agriculture sector and stimulating new market segments. The report noted the program's achievements to support social inclusion – particularly for women and youth. The review recommended that AMENCA strengthen its capacity to measure market-level outcomes attributable to the intervention or to sector-level engagements. It found this emerging success was still fragile, hence there was considerable merit in the AMENCA 3 program continuing over a longer period of time.

Full publication

Last Updated: 12 November 2019
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