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Independent Review of the Australia Indonesia Partnership for Rural Economic Development (AIP-Rural) and management response

Summary of publication

The Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Rural Economic Development (AIP Rural 2013-2018) was the first phase of a ten year program to strengthen markets in commodities of relevance to smallholder farmers living in Eastern Indonesia using a market system development approach. AIP Rural was a portfolio of four complementary programs that works on agribusiness (PRISMA – Promoting Rural Income through Support for Markets in Agriculture), financial inclusion (SAFIRA – Strengthening Agriculture Finance in Rural Areas), tertiary irrigation (TIRTA – Tertiary Irrigation Technical Assistance) and applied research (ARISA – Applied Research and Innovation Systems in Agriculture).

An independent end of program review was commissioned by DFAT in November 2018 to assess 1) PRISMA's progress towards achieving the end of program outcomes and identifying lessons learned, 2) Proof of Concept for TIRTA, SAFIRA and ARISA (note: Strategic Review Panel (SRP) assessed that PRISMA has already proven its concept during the Mid Term Review held in 2016 and 3) Progress against the transition plan and in planning for inception of PRISMA Phase 2.

The review found that AIP-Rural is generally on track. TIRTA, SAFIRA and ARISA have proved their concept and lessons learned from each program have been identified to be considered for implementation in Phase 2. Progress against the transition plan and in planning for inception of PRISMA Phase 2 was adequate. Risks to momentum from the transition to a new phase were actively managed by DFAT and the Managing Contractor.

DFAT was in general agreement with the recommendations but does not agree to the "no go" issues, which DFAT believes are too broad and constrain flexibility. The findings and recommendations of the review were discussed with the Indonesian Government prior to preparing a Management Response to the review.

Full publication

Management response

Last Updated: 12 September 2019
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