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Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative, midterm review and management response

This document details the November 2017 independent midterm review of the Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI).

PSDI is a regional technical assistance facility co-financed by the Government of Australia, the Government of New Zealand, and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Since 2006, PSDI has been working with ADB's 14 Pacific developing member countries (DMC) to improve the enabling environment for business and support inclusive, private sector-led economic growth. PSDI provides support to Pacific governments across six areas, access to finance, business law reform, state-owned enterprise reforms, public private partnerships, the economic empowerment of women, and competition and consumer protection. Since 2007, the PSDI has launched 276 subprograms from a total of $60.4 million allocated funds ($49.8 million of which has been provided by Australia).

The objective and purpose of the review was to assess the effectiveness and relevance of PSDI against its objectives, and provide recommendations for the way forward. DFAT welcomes the findings from the midterm review of the Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI).

The DFAT Management response to the report findings is also available below.

Full publication

Last Updated: 20 December 2018
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