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Pakistan Livelihood Strengthening Program in Border Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (SRSP): Evaluation Report

Summary of publication

The Livelihood Strengthening Programme (LSP) is a critical intervention implemented by the Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP) and supported under the Border Livelihoods component of the Australia Pakistan Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy (APARDS). LSP is livelihood focused, designed to address key social and economic development challenges. It aims to improve community capacity to develop social and economic infrastructure and strengthen rural income generating opportunities.

DFAT agreed to an external review of the project in 2013. The purpose of the review was to assess LSP's achievements against the agreed objectives and provide guidance to DFAT on whether a second phase of the LSP is warranted; if so, the evaluation should identify what changes should be made to the current program approaches and activities. The review assessed whether the focus of future investments need to be changed to ensure maximum alignment with Australia's and Pakistan's development priorities. Accordingly, recommendations on the scope, focus and term of a second phase are made, with the aim of achieving long term sustainability of the livelihood, building on the experience and lessons learnt from Phase 1.

Full publication

Last Updated: 3 August 2015
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