Summary of publication
This report looks at the prevalence of disability among Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon. It was conducted by Humanity & Inclusion and iMMAP in support of Australia's humanitarian response to the Syria crisis. Almost 23 per cent of the surveyed Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon were found to have disabilities. One-third of these were related to the conflict in Syria. The most common disabilities were related to mobility, anxiety and depression. The assessment found that of the people using assistive devices, there were still high rates of ongoing difficulties related to their disability. Further, people with disabilities were less likely to have enrolled in school or be able to read and write. The report provides a number of recommendations for host governments and local authorities, donors, communities and service providers.
Full publication
- Removing barriers: The path towards inclusive access: Jordan report [Word 4.1 MB] | [PDF 5.2 MB]
- Removing barriers: The path towards inclusive access: Lebanon report [Word 4.4 MB] | [PDF 5.4 MB]
- Factsheet 1: Demographics and disability [Word 409 KB] | [PDF 2 MB]
- Factsheet 2: Access to services [Word 146 KB] | [PDF 1.5 MB]
- Factsheet 3: Livelihoods [Word 112 KB] | [PDF 1 MB]
- Factsheet 4: Education [Word 109 KB] | [PDF 1.3 MB]