Report about the use of AusAID funds for AFI's activities on the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion and the management of the Pacific Island Working Group. (2012, 34pp)
This report outlines the activities the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) has undertaken with the funds from AusAID.
AusAID's support has enabled AFI to be a key implementing partner of the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI). It prepared and published 16 country case studies on the application of the G20 principles and developing country experiences on working with the standard setting bodies. AFI also developed a core set of Financial Inclusion Key Performance Indicators and facilitated the organisation of the GPFI's first ever forum with stakeholders.
In addition, AusAID funding has supported the work of the Pacific Island Working Group (PIWG). The funding from AusAID was used to cover AFI's administrative support to manage the Working Group's activities, and ensure continued dialogue and consultation with AusAID in the region.