Outlines the Government of Nauru's long-term development vision, message and goals for "a future where individual, community, business and government partnerships contribute to a sustainable quality of life for all Nauruans". (2009, 99pp)
Revised in 2009, this National Sustainable Development Strategy outlines the Government of Nauru's long-term development vision, message and goals for a 'future where individual, community, business and government partnerships contribute to a sustainable quality of life for all
The document includes the following:
Parts 1 to 5: [PDF 621kb]
- The 20 Year Plan; 2009 Review of the NSDS–Main Findings; Sector Goals; Major Priorities; Monitoring and Implementation.
- Part 6: Revised Sector Goals, Strategies & Milestones:
A: Statistics – Budget Data
B: Statistics – Economic & Social Data
C: Millennium Development Goals
D: Sector Statements
E: Donor Assistance