A series of five volumes documenting the development of recommendations for agricultural interventions supporting subsistence agriculture and income-generating activities for rural communities in Solomon Islands
Eighty-four per cent of people in Solomon Islands live in rural areas. The vast majority of these people derive their livelihoods from subsistence agriculture and small-scale income generating activities, particularly export cash cropping and fresh produce marketing.
These five volumes document the development of recommendations for agricultural interventions supporting subsistence agriculture and income-generating activities for rural communities in Solomon Islands.
- Volume 1: Main Findings and Recommendations [PDF 575KB]
- Volume 2: Subsistence Production, Livestock and Social Analysis [PDF 464KB]
- Volume 3: Markets and Marketing Issues [PDF 720KB]
- Volume 4: Provincial Reports [PDF 926KB]
- Volume 5: Literature Review: A Brief National Assessment of the Agriculture Sector [PDF 508KB]
Available: Electronic version only
This report was commissioned by AusAID. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of AusAID or the Australian Government.
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