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Development partnership with Indonesia

Flag of Indonesia

Objective 1: Equitable and Sustainable Economic Transformation

To support Indonesia's equitable and sustainable economic transformation, our development partnership will focus on outcomes that ensure:

  • sustainable and equitable economic growth is supported, including in trade, investment and innovation
  • human development, governance, service delivery, gender and disability equality are strengthened
  • citizens, including vulnerable groups, benefit from improved governance, public infrastructure and services.

Australia and Indonesia are committed to promoting sustainable and equitable economic transformation and better integrating our two economies. We will do so through ODA and non-ODA investments. We support this transformation through programs in economic governance, trade, infrastructure, research, innovation, human development and regional equality.

In line with Invested: Australia's Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040, Australia will foster government-to-government engagement, expand commercial links and support Indonesia in its ambitions to accede to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Where appropriate, we will partner with development banks and other multilateral institutions to support Indonesia's sustainable and equitable economic growth objectives.

Indonesia Australia Infrastructure Partnership (KIAT)

$300 million, 2017-2026

The Australia-Indonesia Infrastructure Partnership - Kemitraan Indonesia Australia untuk Infrastruktur (KIAT) is a partnership between Australia and Indonesia that supports sustainable and inclusive economic growth through improved access to infrastructure. KIAT focuses on improving water and sanitation, roads and transport through promoting regulatory reforms and building government capability. KIAT encourages inclusive infrastructure development through engagement with civil society organisations, women and people with disabilities, throughout the planning, design, implementation and evaluation phases.

Related document

Name of documentYear publishedType
Indonesia Australia Partnership for Infrastructure (KIAT) Phase 1: Mid-Term Review and Management ResponseAugust 2021Mid-Term Review

Related link

KIAT website

Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Economic Development (PROSPERA)

$277 million, 2018 - 2026

Australia's economic governance partnership with Indonesia aims to foster more effective economic institutions and policies that contribute to strong, sustainable and inclusive economic growth. PROSPERA builds on over 20 years of Australian investment in Indonesia's economic governance that began in the aftermath of the Asian Financial Crisis of the late 1990s. PROSPERA activities are delivered by Australian Government agencies and contracted advisers working with around 30 Indonesian counterpart agencies.

Related link

PROSPERA website

Synergies and Collaboration for Service Delivery Acceleration (SKALA)

$160 million, 2022-2030

The program focuses on improving basic service provision to poor and vulnerable communities in less developed regions. The goal of SKALA is to help reduce poverty and inequality through working with stakeholders at the national and local levels to strengthen Indonesia's decentralised governance. 

Related document

Name of documentYear publishedType
SKALA Investment Design Document2021Design

Related link


Australia Awards in Indonesia Program

*$128 million, 2022 - 2030

Australia Awards scholarships are offered to the next generation of Indonesian leaders. Through long-term and short-term study and research, recipients develop the skills, knowledge, and networks to drive change and help build people-to-people links. Engagement with alumni (including those who self-fund their study) upon their return to Indonesia is a high priority for the program, to celebrate the achievements of Australian Alumni in Indonesia and foster their ongoing connections to Australia.

* the figure only covers activities undertaken in Indonesia and does not include tuition fees and other costs occurred in Australia.

Related link

Australia Awards - Indonesia

Australia Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI)

$120 million, 2021-2029

The Australia Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI) aims to empower civil society organisations (CSOs) and facilitate collaboration with the Indonesian Government at national and sub-national levels to contribute to inclusive development, including gender equality, women's empowerment, disability rights and social inclusion.

Related document

Name of documentYear publishedType
Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society – Investment Design Document2022Design
INKLUSI Independent Mid-Term Review and Management Response2024Review and Management Response

Related link


Innovation for Indonesia's School Children – Phase 3 (INOVASI)

$110 million, 2024-2031

INOVASI will support the Indonesian government in its efforts to improve Indonesia's basic education system to lift children's learning outcomes. Improved literacy and numeracy will contribute to Indonesia's human development and economic transformation objectives.

Related documents

Name of documentYear publishedType
INOVASI Phase 3 Design Update Document2024Investment Design

Related link


Australia-Indonesia Health Security Partnership (AIHSP)

$48 million, 2020-2025

The Australia-Indonesia Health Security Partnership (AIHSP) is Australia's bilateral health security program. AIHSP works directly with Indonesian local and national government counterparts and in collaboration with international health partners, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF and Australian agencies such as CSIRO, to build stronger systems to respond to public human and animal health threats.

Related documents

Name of documentYear publishedType
AIHSP Design Concept2019Concept
AIHSP Design Document2019Design
AIHSP independent mid-term review
AIHSP mid-term review management responses
AIHSP report annexes
2023Review and management response

Related link

AIHSP website

Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement Economic Cooperation Program (IA-CEPA ECP) – Katalis

$40 million, 2020 – 2025

The Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) entered into force on 5 July 2020. It included a new Economic Cooperation Program known as ‘Katalis'. Katalis aims to maximise the mutual benefits of IA-CEPA, support two-way trade and investment, improve market access, and promote inclusive economic growth in Indonesia. In particular, Katalis will support IA-CEPA implementation in the agrifood, advanced manufacturing and services (including skills) sectors.

Related documents

Name of documentYear publishedType
Economic Cooperation Program (ECP) — Investment DesignMay 2020Investment design
Katalis Fact SheetsMay 2021Fact sheet
Katalis Mid-term Review and Management ResponseMay 2024Review and management response

Related link

Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA)

World Bank Health Transformation Multi-Donor Trust Fund

$9.6 million, 2023-2027

Australia is providing funding through the World Bank-managed Health Transformation Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) to enable Indonesia's Health System Transformation Agenda that will strengthen primary and secondary health care, addressing critical gaps in accessibility and quality of health services for women and girls, people with disabilities, and building climate resilience. The MDTF assists in coordinating development partners' support to the Ministry of Health to maximise the impact of their contributions.

Related document

Name of documentYear publishedType
World Bank Health Transformation Multi-Donor Trust Fund: design document2023Design

Related link

Highlighting Indonesia's Health System Transformation

The Australian National University Indonesia Project – Phase V

$5.2 million, 2022-2026

Since inception in 1965, the ANU Indonesia Project has been at the forefront of Indonesian studies in Australia and internationally. DFAT has co-financed the Indonesia Project with ANU since 1980. The goal of the Indonesia Project is to contribute to research-based public policy in Indonesia and to build Indonesia literacy in Australia, and through these efforts, strengthen ties between our two countries.

Related link

Indonesia Project website

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