Development assistance in Nepal

Australia is supporting Nepal to reduce the economic impact of the pandemic. We are working to provide economic opportunities to the most vulnerable and to strengthen government systems that will support Nepal’s longer-term economic development.
In partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) we are supporting the Government of Nepal’s Micro-Enterprise Development for Poverty Alleviation program (MEDPA). The program is supporting the creation of micro-enterprises that generate jobs and incomes for the rural poor, women and socially marginalised groups.
In partnership with the World Bank, we are supporting the Government of Nepal to strengthen its public financial management. Our work has a regional focus on sustainability through the South Asia Regional program and well as leveraging the benefits of partnering with the private sector through DFAT’s business partnerships platform.
Further information, including situation analysis, expected outcomes, key results and Australia’s broader engagement, can be found in COVID-19 Development Response Plan.
Related initiatives
- Technical Assistance for Micro Enterprise Development for Poverty Alleviation Program
- Public Financial Management Multi Donor Trust Fund
- Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP)
- Business Partnerships Platform
- South Asia Regional program
Public Financial Management Multi Donor Trust Fund
$5.3 million, 2016 to 2026
The Public Financial Management Multi Donor Trust Fund (PFM MDTF) is strengthening the performance, transparency and accountability of public financial management in Nepal. The MDTF is managed by the World Bank and jointly funded by six donors: USAID, European Union and the governments of Australia, UK, Switzerland and Norway.
The Integrated PFM Reform Program (IPFMRP), funded by the PFM MDTF, is the Government of Nepal’s flagship program that supports the Government’s agenda to enhance overall fiscal management and governance, strategic allocation of resources and efficiency in use of public resources that contribute to overall macro-economic stability, economic growth and poverty reduction.
Additional information on the partnership can be found on the PFM Multi Donor Trust Fund website.