Development assistance in Nepal

Australia, in partnership with The Asia Foundation, is supporting Nepal’s transition to federalism. The program is building more inclusive and strengthened policies, systems and processes in response to the additional pressures of the pandemic. We are promoting and enabling the effective engagement of women in government through the She Leads program, in partnership with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems.
Australia’s world-leading expertise with CSIRO and ACIAR are supporting food security and agricultural research. In addition, the Australian Volunteers program is providing technical advice across a range of sectors.
Further information, including situation analysis, expected outcomes, key results and Australia’s broader engagement, can be found in COVID-19 Development Response Plan.
Related initiatives
- Subnational Governance program – The Asia Foundation
- International Federation for Electoral Systems - She Leads
- Australia Awards
Subnational Governance Program for Nepal Phase 2
$27 million, 2022-2027
The Subnational Governance Program is supporting Nepal’s transition to a federalist system of government. The program is supporting clarity of functions and responsibilities between the newly established local, subnational and federal government. Further, the program is strengthening coordination and collaboration between the spheres of government through local and provincial dispute resolution processes, including training for local mediators, as well as promoting stakeholder engagement such as civil society, the private sector, media and government officials to ensure inclusive approaches to governance at all levels.
These activities are providing more inclusive and effective policy development, service delivery and are contributing to more stable governance in Nepal.
Additional information on the partnership can be found on The Asia Foundation (Nepal) website.
Related documents
Name of document | Year published |
Subnational Governance Program: Mid term Review | 2019 |
Nepal Subnational Governance Program (SNGP) – Phase II | 2025 |
She Leads
$3.8 million, 2019 to 2023
In partnership with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), the She Leads program provides capacity building for women elected into government in Nepal. This capacity building empowers women to advance their electoral and political knowledge, leading to a strengthened engagement in decision-making and policy dialogue. The program also works with family members and community leaders, including men, to encourage women’s political participation, while also supporting political parties to better enable women's involvement in political discussions and dialogues at the local level.
Additional information on the partnership can be found on the International Foundation for Electoral Systems website..