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Nepal Subnational Governance Program (SNGP) – Phase II

Summary of Publication

The Subnational Governance Program (SNGP), is a flagship governance program in Nepal funded by the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), being implemented by The Asia Foundation (TAF).

Currently in its second phase, SNGP's overarching goal is "promoting an enabling environment for a stable, effective, and inclusive subnational government in Nepal that addresses the health and economic security of all, including women, people with disabilities, and other marginalised groups."

SNGP aims to build a coalition of influence to facilitate and progress sustainable progressive change at the subnational level by deliberately working in an adaptive manner collaborating with federal, provincial and local governments, and a range of civil society organisations, professional associations, academic institutions, private sector, and individual experts.

SNGP-II has five End of Program Outcomes (EOPOs):

  • EOPO 1: Strengthened systems and mechanisms for intergovernmental coordination and dispute resolution across the three tiers of government
  • EOPO 2: Selected local governments have more inclusive and evidence-based policies and plans towards improved access to public health services
  • EOPO 3: Selected subnational governments (Provincial and Local) formulate and implement inclusive and evidence-based economic policies and plans
  • EOPO 4: Subnational policies, programs and service delivery are inclusive, equitable and respond to the needs of women and marginalised communities
  • EOPO 5: Selected subnational governments incorporate climate change considerations into their prioritised policies, plans and programs (introduced in 2023 in response to Australia's new International Development Policy).

This Mid-Term Review (MTR) provides an independent assessment of SNGP-II's implementation during the bridging period between the two phases, and the first half of phase two from April 2021 to mid-2024. The MTR focuses on four key areas i)effectiveness, ii)efficiency, iii)gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) and iv) recommendations for the future priorities of the program, namely, how the remainder of this program can strengthen its implementation beyond its current phase for possible approaches in supporting Nepal's subnational governance and inclusive federalism in future.

The MTR provides eight recommendations, and this page also includes the Management Responses to these recommendations as agreed between DFAT and TAF to take forward.

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