
Bilateral, economic and trade information
- Philippines country brief
- Joint Declaration on a Strategic Partnership between the Republic of the Philippines and the Commonwealth of Australia
- Philippines–Australia 75th anniversary (launched 2021)
- Philippines Economic and Trade fact sheet [PDF]
- Summary of Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and the Philippines on Cyber and Critical Tech Cooperation
Australia’s development cooperation
- Australia's development partnership with the Philippines
- Philippines Development Cooperation Factsheet
Travel information
- Before you travel, visit
- Read the travel advice for Philippines
- Subscribe to updates
- Get the right travel insurance
- For how we can help Australians overseas, see the Consular services charter
- Australian Passports Office
- Visa information
Heads of Government
Embassies and consulates
Trade with Australia
- ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA)
- Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP)