Development assistance in the Philippines

Australia will continue to support stability in the Philippines as a foundation for development. Australia has invested substantially in stabilisation and peacebuilding in Muslim Mindanao, and this will continue for now. Australia and the Philippines will increase our work on the delivery of and access to justice for socially disadvantaged groups. In line with the Philippine Government's shifting priorities, Australia will also increase our support for external security.
We will work in partnership towards the following outcomes:
- Targeted institutions are strengthened to support internal and external stability, peace and security; and
- Communities and disadvantaged groups benefit from bolstered peace, stability, security and equitable access to justice.
With the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) remaining fragile, and the country's poorest region, Australia will continue to focus on peacebuilding. We are partnering with the Philippines to address underlying drivers of instability and support effective, accountable institutions that will underpin the BARMM's economic and social development.
We will continue our cooperation with the Philippines to advance the Women, Peace and Security agenda, in accordance with the Philippine National Action Plan and particularly in the BARMM.
We will cooperate with the Philippines to enhance its investment in enhancing cybersecurity and preventing transnational crime, including human trafficking, smuggling and illegal fishing.
Our work on access to justice will ultimately contribute to strengthening effective and accountable justice institutions and the rule of law in the country.
We will step up our civil-maritime cooperation with the Philippines through increased investment, including non-ODA sources.
Longstanding joint security initiatives include cooperation between the Australian Federal Police and the Philippine National Police, and defence education and training undertaken by the Australian Government Department of Defence and the Australian Defence Force alongside the Philippine Department of National Defense and the Armed Forces of the Philippines. These initiatives will remain a key component of our efforts to improve conditions for stability.
Supporting key investments
Peacebuilding in Conflict-Affected Mindanao 2
$64.5 million (2023-28)
The second phase of Australia's Peacebuilding in Conflict-Affected Mindanao investment supports a more peaceful and prosperous Philippines, a more stable Southeast Asian region, and will help keep Australia and Australians safer and more secure by preventing terrorism and violent extremism. This will build on our previous commitment ($92 million, 2014-2023) to support the ongoing peace process between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. This assistance includes supporting the establishment of the new Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), and working towards long-term stability, security, and development in the region's conflict-affected areas with our implementing partners, including multilateral and non-government organisations, national, local and regional governments, and other stakeholders.
Related document
Name of document | Year published | Type |
Strategic review of Australia's support for Peacebuilding in Conflict-Affected Mindanao | 2020 | Review Report and Management Response |
Strengthening Philippine Justice Responses to Violent Extremism Program (PJRVEP)
$11 million (2021-26)
Strengthening Philippine Justice Response to Violent Extremism Program (PJRVEP) supports the overarching partnership between the Philippines and Australia to prevent and counter violent extremism.
PJRVEP seeks to strengthen the Philippines' rule of law and criminal justice approaches in violent extremist cases. It does this by supporting interagency coordination, enhancing people-to-people and institutional relationships, improving jail management mechanisms for violent extremist offenders, and providing technical assistance and capacity building activities on anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing.
Education Pathways to Peace in Mindanao (Pathways)
$90 million (2017-26)
Education Pathways to Peace in Mindanao seeks to improve equitable participation of boys and girls in quality early grades (K-3) education in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), contributing to greater resilience, stability, peace and prosperity in the region. The program actively fosters collaboration among stakeholders to improve education policy and delivery in ways that support social cohesion and peacebuilding.
Related document
Name of document | Year published | Type |
Education Pathways to Peace in Mindanao Program Midterm Review | 2023 | Program evaluation |
Relevant link
Fostering Advancement of Inclusive and Rights-Based Justice (FAIR)
$20 million (2024-29)
Fostering Advancement of Inclusive and Rights-Based Justice (FAIR) aims to support the Philippines enhance the administration of justice for women, children, people with disability and other socially disadvantaged groups.
FAIR focuses on improving the quality of adjudication and case management for socially disadvantaged groups, strengthening transparency and accountability in the justice system, and enhancing inclusion and accessibility in the delivery of justice. The program will work with formal justice institutions and through multistakeholder mechanisms that promote and protect human rights.
Philippines Civil Maritime Security Program (PCMSP)
$9 million (2021-24)
Philippines Civil Maritime Security Program (PCMSP) aims to strengthen and support civil maritime agencies in the Philippines by focusing on three pillars: interagency coordination, marine resource management, and maritime awareness. The program supports the delivery of the highly regarded Law of the Sea short course by the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS). The investment funds scholars from the Philippine Government in maritime-related studies through the Australia Awards program. It supports ACIAR to engage with coastal communities on a coral reef restoration governance research project. The program also supports: research into maritime governance arrangements and institutional capacity building among Philippine civil maritime agencies; promotion of discussion and analysis of civil maritime issues; a coral reef restoration project in Zambales, Philippines; a countering marine plastics project; and an oil spill response project.
Related document
Name of document | Year published | Type |
Philippine Civil Maritime Security Program Mid-Term Review | 2023 | Program evaluation |