Republic of Palau

The Republic of Palau is an independent country in a Compact of Free Association with the United States. It is a Micronesian country, comprising of 340 islands, eight of which are inhabited.
Economic and trade information
- Republic of Palau country brief
- Republic of Palau economic and trade data [PDF]
- Republic of Palau Development Cooperation Factsheet
- Australia Pacific Islands Business Council
Travel information
- Before you travel, visit
- Read the travel advice for the Republic of Palau
- Subscribe to updates
- Get the right travel insurance
- For how we can help Australians overseas, see the Consular services charter
- Australian Passports Office
- Visa information
Heads of Government
Includes Heads of State, Prime Ministers, Foreign, Trade and Aid Ministers.
Embassies and consulates
Website of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: information regarding the Australian Embassy in the Republic of Palau.
Official website of the Australian Embassy in the Republic of Palau.
The Republic of Palau
Ms Laura Clarke
Honorary Consul-General of Palau
Mobile: 0450 091 756
Contact details for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia:
Mail: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
North Pacific Branch
RG Casey Building
John McEwen Crescent
Phone: +61 2 6261 1111
Fax: +61 2 6261 2332
Contact details for the Republic of Palau:
Ministry of State
Phone: +680 767 2509/ 2490
Fax: +680 488 2443