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Development assistance in Vietnam

Objective 2 - Strengthened human resources to meet socio-economic development objectives


$86.4 million, 2016-25

Aus4Skills (formerly the Vietnam-Australia Human Resources Development Partnership) is supporting Vietnam to access and use high-level professional and technical knowledge, skills and competencies to contribute to the country's sustainable economic and social development. The program is building enduring links with Australia. The program components include Australia Awards Scholarships in Vietnam, the Australian Alumni program in Vietnam, promoting industry linkages with vocational education and training, higher education capacity building, advancing women in leadership and the Vietnam Australia Centre.

Support is delivered using a range of skills development tools: Australia Awards Scholarships, Australia Awards short courses and other informal learning opportunities such as workshops, study tours and technical assistance. Aus4Skills seeks to empower and provide opportunities for women, people with disabilities, people from remote areas and ethnic minorities. Aus4Skills is managed by Tetra Tech.

Related documents*

Name of documentYear publishedType
Vietnam Aus4Skills: Design of non-scholarship HRD components2017Design
Vietnam Aus4Skills: Mid Term Review and management response2019Mid Term Review and management response
Aus4Skills fact sheet2022Fact sheet
Aus4Skills Phase 2 Mid-Term Review2024Report and Management Response

Related links


Australia Awards Vietnam

The Australia Awards Scholarships program in Vietnam is delivered through the Aus4Skills program and aims to improve the quality of human resources in Vietnam through long term study in Australia. These scholarships equip leaders with skills and knowledge to personally drive change and influence development outcomes in Vietnam. They also strengthen public institutions and promote linkages between Australia and Vietnam. Priority areas of study include governance and economic growth, infrastructure and transport, water and sanitation, education, gender equality, agriculture and rural development, regional stability and human rights, disability support, climate change, innovation and health.

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Australian Volunteers Program - Vietnam

The Australian Volunteers program matches skilled Australians from all walks of life with organisations in developing countries to help these organisations deliver their own development objectives. Through meaningful volunteer assignments, the program creates enduring links between Australians and people and organisations in partner countries.

Since 1985 almost 2,000 Australian volunteers have worked for a range of institutions - multilateral, private sector, government, and non-government organisations - in sectors of high priority for Vietnam's development.

Related documents

Name of documentYear publishedType
Australian Volunteers Program in Vietnam fact sheet2021Fact sheet

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