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Development assistance in Vietnam

Objective 4 - Inclusive and participatory social and economic development


Aus4Equality is an umbrella initiative that aims to promote inclusive and participatory social and economic development and includes the below investments.

Name of documentYear publishedType
Aus4Equality fact sheet2022Fact sheet

Gender-Responsive Equitable Agriculture and Tourism (GREAT)

$67.4 million, 2017-27

The Gender-Responsive Equitable Agriculture and Tourism (GREAT) program aims to empower women, particularly ethnic minority women living in Lao Cai and Son La, through increased economic engagement, and greater gender equality at home, in the workplace, within communities, and through responsive governments.

The program focuses on agriculture and tourism and works with multiple stakeholders to address constraints and generate opportunities. GREAT works to strengthen the enabling environment for women's empowerment through targeted policy and institutional engagement with provincial, district and commune-level government agencies. We will scale up outreach and work within communities to shift social attitudes around gender equality, with a view to enhancing women's participation in decision-making and leadership, promoting a more equal division of unpaid work, and reducing gender-based violence.

The Provincial People's Committees of Lao Cai and Son La are GREAT's primary government counterparts. GREAT is managed by Cowater International.

Related documents

Name of documentYear publishedType
Gender-Responsive Equitable Agriculture and Tourism (GREAT) Investment Design Document2016Design
GREAT Mid Term Review and Management Response2022Mid Term Review and management response

Related links

Aus4Equality – GREAT

Technical support for revision of Vietnam's Gender Equality Law

$1 million, 2022-25

Australia funds UN Women to provide technical support to the Government of Vietnam for the Revision of the Gender Equality Law in Vietnam. This includes technical and financial support on the revision of the Labour Code and the development of Vietnam's National Strategy for Gender Equality 2021-2030.

Her Turn

$0.83 million, 2018-26

Australia is working with KOTO (Know One, Teach One) to support vocational training and entrepreneurial skills development for disadvantaged rural and ethnic minority women in Vietnam. The program aims to:

  • empower disadvantaged and ethnic women economically by providing hospitality and entrepreneurship skills, employment and long-term career development opportunities
  • empower female hospitality professionals through leadership development.

Related links

Her Turn

Toward a Multi-Tiered Social Protection System in Vietnam that leaves No One behind

$1.7 million, 2023-26

Australia supports ILO to provide technical support and analysis to the Government of Vietnam to ensure a more effective, efficient, inclusive and gender sensitive social protection system in Vietnam. Two End of Project Outcomes include:

  • improved coverage and adequacy of social protection programmes through the implementation of the new Party Resolution on Social Policies
  • improved evidence-based advocacy to strengthen persons with disabilities and persons of ethnic minorities' access to adequate social protection programmes.

Ending Violence against Women and Children

$9.5 million, 2021-25

The Ending Violence Against Women and Children program aims to ensure that all women and children in Vietnam, including those most vulnerable, are able to live a life free of violence through strengthened prevention strategies and multi-sectoral responses. Implemented by UNFPA, UN Woman and UNICEF, the program strengthens law and policy frameworks, enhances prevention strategies and increases multi-sectoral response efforts to end violence against women and children.

Investing in Women

$10.5 million, 2023-27 (contribution towards $80 million initiative)

Investing in Women is a multi-country Australian Government initiative in Southeast Asia that seeks to accelerate women's economic empowerment through increased and equitable opportunities in the private sector, contributing to inclusive, sustainable economic recovery and growth in targeted countries, including Vietnam.

Related links

The Vietnam Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index

$14.1 million, 2017-26

Australia is the main sponsor of the Vietnam Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI). PAPI is a policy monitoring tool that measures provinces' performance of governance and public administration, based on experiences and feedback of citizens (men and women) randomly selected from all 63 provinces in Vietnam.

PAPI is the largest time-series national governance and public administration performance monitoring tool in Vietnam based on citizens' experiences. Since 2009, PAPI has captured and reflected the experiences of 155,962 citizens.

PAPI provides data and evidence that reflects eight dimensions of government performance: (i) participation in elections and policy making at the local level, (ii) transparency in decision-making, (iii) vertical accountability, (iv) control of corruption in the public sector, (v) public administrative procedures, (vi) public service delivery, (vii) environmental governance, and (viii) e-governance.

PAPI helps different national stakeholders understand how governance and public administration in Vietnam has changed over time and suggests ways to address governance bottlenecks. As such, PAPI provides a 'gold mine' of data for policymakers and researchers to triangulate government-business-citizen assessments of policy implementation to inform policy reform and government performance improvement.

Related documents

Name of documentYear publishedType
PAPI Research and Advocacy Programme mid-term review and management response2023Mid-term review report and management response

Related links

Viet Nam Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index

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