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Gender equality

International Gender Equality Strategy public written submissions

The call for public submissions was opened from 17 August to 18 September 2023, where we received 90 public submissions. For further information about what we heard, please see the Summary of Consultations on the New International Gender Equality Strategy.

All submissions were prepared independently and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government.

DFAT did not edit the content of the submissions prior to publishing. Some personal information was redacted at the request of the author(s).

DFAT did not publish submissions that included content that is offensive, discriminatory, illegal or defamatory to any third party and/or contained threatening or aggressive language. See DFAT's website disclaimer.

By making a submission, the author(s) agreed to their submission, or part thereof, being used by the Commonwealth of Australia for Commonwealth purposes.

The public submissions which DFAT was granted the permission to publish are listed below.


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