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Development assistance in Timor-Leste

Flag of Timor-Leste

Australia’s development programs in Timor-Leste

Bilateral programs

Partnership for Human Development (PHD)

Logo: Partnership for Human Development: Australia Timor-Leste

Up to $120 million, Phase 2- 2021-2026

Improving quality and access to primary healthcare and basic education and advancing disability equity and gender equality.

PARTISIPA: Partnership to Strengthen Village Development and Municipal Administration


Up to $ 103.1 million, 2019-2030

Supporting national and municipal authorities to strengthen the policies, systems, and skills required to deliver essential services in municipalities, village level infrastructure and rural roads.

PROSIVU:  Partnership for Inclusive Prosperity / Parseria Ba Prosperidade Inklusivu

Logo for PROSIVU: Parseria ba Prosperidade Inklusivu

$43.9 million, 2022-2026 (Phase 1)

Working with the Government of Timor-Leste to strengthen public financial management and public administration and promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

Nabilan: Ending Violence Against Women in Timor-Leste

Logo for Nabilan

$20.5 million, 2022-2026

Working to end violence against women and children in Timor-Leste, by fostering gender equality and positive social norms and supporting essential services for survivors of violence.

TOMAK (To'os ba Moris Diak) – Farming for Prosperity

Logo for Tomak: To'os ba Moris Di'ak

$20 million, 2022-2026

Supporting agricultural market systems development, food security and the nutrition of rural households through improved farming and nutrition practices and support to government policies and services.

Market Development Facility (MDF)

Logo for MDF: Market Development Facility - An Australian multi-country initiative

$12.1 million to Timor-Leste, 2022 – 2027

Promoting sustainable economic development by connecting individuals, businesses, governments, and NGOs with each other and with markets in Timor-Leste and abroad.

Timor-Leste Biosecurity Development Program

AUD1.6m, 2023-26

Developing and supporting Timor-Leste's biosecurity system to meet international biosecurity and phyto-sanitary standards and facilitating international trade and market access.

Australia Awards Timor-Leste

Australian Government crest with words 'Australia Awards'

Up to $6 million, 2022-2026

Scholarships are equipping emerging Timorese leaders with academic, professional and leadership skills and networks.


Timor-Leste Police Development Program

logo for TLPDP, AFP | PNTL: Serbisu Hamutuk

AUD 35m, 2024-28

Supporting Timor-Leste’s efforts to maintain law and order through community policing and enhanced police force capability.

Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) – Disaster READY

logo for AHP: Australian Humanitarian Partnership

$100 million, across the Pacific and Timor-Leste, 2017-2027.

Supporting Australian NGOs to strengthen community level climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction and resilience programs.

Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific

Logo for Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific

AUD $47.8m, 2022-28

Providing financing and advisory support for transformational infrastructure to help deliver critical infrastructure projects for Timor-Leste including  the first undersea cable connection (Timor-Leste South Submarine Cable) and auxiliary components of the Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport redevelopment in Dili.

Direct Budget Support

$47 million, 2020-2025

Providing direct financing to the Government of Timor-Leste in support of national programs and priorities, including in community infrastructure, labour mobility and skills, and health.

Skills and employment opportunities

Strengthening skills and employment opportunities for young people, to help grow and diversify the Timor-Leste economy. From 2025, this will be delivered through the Pacific Australia Skills Platform and the Pacific Labour Mobility Support Program.

ANCP – Australian NGO Cooperation Program

Logo for ANCP

Supporting Australian NGOs to deliver a range of development programs and services in Timor-Leste that have a direct and tangible impact on individuals, institutions and communities involved.

Global / Regional Programs

  • Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
  • Australian Volunteers Program
  • Australian Centre for Regional Health Security
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