Summary of publication
Australia is a valued partner in the Lao PDR. Our well-targeted development assistance program is a key element in our relationship. Australia is committed to supporting Laos address development challenges and contribute to ASEAN and the Indo-Pacific as a stable and prosperous country. In 2018-19, Australia's total Official Development Assistance (ODA) to the Lao PDR was $43.8 million.
DFAT's bilateral aid program expended approximately half of the ODA ($24 million) to support: (i) quality basic education for more disadvantaged girls and boys; (ii) improve human resources through scholarships and training; and (iii) strengthen Laos' trade regime and more competitive private sector. This report assesses DFAT's performance against those three objectives. The bilateral expenditure also includes over $3 million of humanitarian assistance in response to the dam collapse in Attapeu Province in July 2018. The performance of Australia's development assistance in Laos for 2018-19 was strong. All key objectives were on track at this stage of implementation.
DFAT's regional programs and other Commonwealth agencies delivered the remaining part of the ODA over the period. Performance under DFAT's regional programs is reported separately.