Summary of publication
The Independent Completion Report (ICR) provides an overview of the Education Partnership (EP), describes the partnership's evolution, captures its significant achievements and reports on the program's performance, component by component, against the Development Assessment Committee (DAC) criteria of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability.
It also looks at the EP investment from a value for money perspective and draws conclusions and lessons that are useful for DFAT's forward program. The ICR was produced by the contractor responsible for the EP's performance oversight monitoring (POM).
In the Management Response, DFAT's management accepts the conclusions in the ICR as fair and balanced and has already begun to apply the lessons from EP in its new education program.
Full publication
- Independent Completion Report [PDF 1.1 MB]
- Independent Completion Report [Word 711 KB]
- Management Response [PDF 111 KB]
- Management Response [Word 45 KB]