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Philippines Australia Human Resources and Organisational Development Facility: Evaluation Report and Management Response

Summary of publication

This independent end of program Review evaluates implementation of the Philippines Australia Human Resources and Organisational Development Facility (PAHRODF) over the period 2010 to 2016.

The purpose of the Review is to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the delivery of scholarships, alumni and technical assistance delivered under the PAHRODF, with a view to inform future DFAT investments in this area.

Given the broad scope of the Facility and the limited resources for the Review, the assessment focuses mainly on the Australia Awards Scholarships (AAS) component and its attached features such as the Institutional Partnerships, In Country Scholarship Program, and Alumni management functions. The delivery of technical assistance under PAHRODF is also considered, with a view to informing how the upcoming Trade and Inclusive Economic Growth Facility (TIEGF) can best make use of that support mechanism.

The Philippines Australia Human Resources and Organisational Development Facility (PAHRODF) aims to enhance the effectiveness of targeted programs and reform agendas by supporting key partner government organisations. PAHRODF assistance includes the Australia Awards Scholarships, short-term trainings, coaching/mentoring, business process improvement, and standards and benchmarking activities. The Facility also provides a range of human resource, organisational development training and assessments.

Full publication

Last Updated: 13 January 2017
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