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Program Kemitraan Indonesia Australia untuk Perekonomian (PROSPERA) Knowledge, Performance and Learning Framework

Prospera builds on two decades of successful Australian support for improved economic governance in Indonesia. Prospera has many activities and partners. A strong focus on knowledge, performance and learning is central to achieving Prospera's aim of contributing to strong, sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

Prospera's Knowledge, Performance and Learning Framework is structured with three components:

  1. Core Framework (this document): This component outlines why Prospera needs to manage knowledge and performance, and what will be collected and measured to support learning for improvement. This component explains Prospera's context, performance requirements and key users of the information, the process to develop breakthrough outcomes and how activities fit within these outcomes, ways of working, performance questions, evaluation pipeline, capturing key cross-cutting factors (gender and social inclusion, public sector, partnerships), and approach to learning and reporting.
  2. The principal users of this component are DFAT, facility management team, the Knowledge and Performance team, advisory and Australian agency teams.

  • Activity Design and Reporting Guide: This component sets out the design and decision-making processes for Prospera activities and reporting expectations. This component elaborates on activity governance and how budget is applied each year and between cycles to deliver flexibility. The component describes the Prospera investment criteria and how they will be applied to enhance the quality of activities rather than hard rules. The component also contains templates for activity design and reporting.
  • The principal users of this component are advisory and Australian agency teams designing and delivering activities, and the Knowledge and Performance team who will implement facility‑level monitoring and evaluation, and support activity‑level monitoring and evaluation.

  • Toolkit: This component explains monitoring and evaluation methods, including data collection. This component includes guidance and templates for various design approaches, measurement (including capability development, policy change, partnerships, gender and social inclusion) and learning initiatives. It also contains indicative data collection plans to draw upon for activity‑level monitoring and evaluation.
  • The principal users of this component are the Knowledge and Performance team and focal points assisting advisory and Australian agency teams in designing and delivering activities.

    Last Updated: 25 October 2019
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