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Partnership between DFAT and CBM Australia

In 2011, DFAT and CBM Australia established a Partnership to support disability inclusive development work, consistent with Development for All: Towards a disability-inclusive Australian aid program 2009-2014 (Development for All). The high level goal of the partnership is 'to improve the quality of life of people with disability in developing countries by building understanding of and providing accessible and responsive technical resources on disability inclusive development practice.'

The three key objectives of the Partnership are to:

  1. proactively support building the understanding and capacity of DFAT and relevant partners to implement disability inclusive development
  2. support the inclusion of people with disability in development programs through responsive and timely technical assistance and analytical support
  3. work in partnership to promote, build on and disseminate the knowledge base on disability- inclusive development. A budget of $2.72 million is allocated over a period of 4 years and will conclude 2015.

Partnership between DFAT and CBM Australia (PDF 770kb)
Partnership between DFAT and CBM Australia (Word 115kb)

Last Updated: 18 November 2014
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