The Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia:
ENCOURAGED by the continually growing friendship and cooperation between the two countries since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1949;
BUILDING onthe Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and Australia on the Framework for Security Cooperation (“the Lombok Treaty”) signed on 13 November 2006;
STRESSING the common interest of the two countries to: intensify bilateral cooperation in the fields of economic development, political and security, and maritime cooperation; expand exchanges at all levels of society; and contribute to stability and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific;
PURSUANT to the prevailing domestic laws, regulations and policies of both countries;
DETERMINED to implement the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (hereinafter referred to as the “CSP”), as decided in the Joint Declaration of the CSP on 31 August 2018 with activities under each of the five pillars of the CSP;
HEREBY jointly decide to launch the Plan of Action for the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for the period of 2020-2024, as follows:
We will forge a stronger economic partnership in pursuit of mutual prosperity. Our longstanding development partnership will target sustainable and inclusive economic growth for our peoples. We will strengthen cooperation, trade and investment, including in the agriculture, education, resources, infrastructure, financial and digital economy sectors, as well as government-to-government partnerships that foster economic growth and prosperity. The Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (hereinafter “IA-CEPA”) will be the centrepiece of our economic relationship, drive closer collaboration through the economic powerhouse model, and enable greater trade and investment. We will:
1. Implement IA-CEPA, including taking forward initiatives to harvest early benefits from IA-CEPA ratification, and its associated Economic Cooperation Program;
2. Establish an Economic, Trade and Investment Ministers’ Meeting to be held annually involving ministers from the economic, trade and investment portfolios of both countries; and also establish a Senior Economic Officials’ Meeting;
3. Work together to strengthen Indonesia’s export portals, including Business-to-Business e-commerce and digital marketplaces, to assist Indonesian small and medium enterprises (SME) exporters and to produce a Blueprint for Trade and Investment in Indonesia to stimulate Australian business engagement in Indonesia;
4. Establish a CEO Roundtable, to be held in the first half of 2020 and thereafter held back-to-back with the Annual Leaders’ Meeting (ALM), bringing together captains of industry from our two countries to deepen trade and investment ties and to provide input to governments; and continue to encourage business participation in annual Indonesia-Australia Business Summit;
5. Promote contacts among actors at the local level, such as states and provinces, councils and municipalities, in boosting trade and investment opportunities;
6. Promote regional comprehensive economic cooperation through ASEAN-led initiatives, including by ensuring the implementation and upgrade of the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA) and by working together with a view to resolving all the outstanding issues in a mutually satisfactory way in order to finalise the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement.
Trade Cooperation
7. Encourage sustained interactions among relevant stakeholders to identify and eliminate trade barriers through, among other initiatives, improving the effectiveness of existing trade-related dialogue mechanisms;
8. Enhance bilateral trade cooperation through, among other initiatives, trade facilitation, including promoting efficient and transparent customs clearance procedures, and promoting transparency in non-tariff barriers, in line with the commitments made under IA-CEPA;
9. Strengthen cooperation and information exchanges and networking on trade and industry standards, statistics and regulations;
10. Support the work of the of the Committee and Sub Committees under IA-CEPA for effective implementation of the Agreement
11. Implement existing, active cooperation arrangements, including the MoU between IP Australia and Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights concerning MoU between IP Australia and Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights concerning IP Australia’s Regional Patent Examination Training Program under the AANZFTA Economic Cooperation Support Program.
Investment Cooperation
12. Promote a conducive environment for investment and simplify administration procedures;
13. Facilitate technical and financial assistance for investment projects in the field of public services;
14. Intensify cooperation on two-way investment, which can promote human capital development and technological transfers for sustainable development.
15. Increase linkages and cooperation in the digital economy through, among others, the implementation of the joint principles and priorities of the 2018 Indonesia-Australia Digital Forum and the ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Standards Initiative;
Development Cooperation
16. Work together to ensure that the bilateral development cooperation reflects the priorities of Indonesia’s Medium-Term Development Plan 2020-2024, such as infrastructure and human resources development, including through the annual Senior Officials Meeting on development cooperation;
17. Encourage initiatives to promote women’s leadership and empowerment in the field of economic and social development and disability-inclusive development;
18. Work together to use evidence-based policies to accelerate poverty reduction and tackle inequality in Indonesia;
19. Promote agricultural research, cooperation and development activities that provide mutual benefit and build on the complementarities of agricultural sectors, including working with the private sector to increase farmers’ incomes;
20. Continue cooperation on enhancing the business enabling environment including in support of Indonesian SMEs and women-led businesses;
21. Enhance cooperation in efforts to jointly develop SMEs in both countries through financing, human resource development, market development and exhibitions;
22. Explore opportunities to cooperate in the fields of technology, digital economy and Industry 4.0.
23. Work together to ensure activities under the IA-CEPA Economic Cooperation Program facilitate smooth implementation of the Agreement, help ensure the benefits of IA-CEPA are realised by businesses and consumers in both countries, promote regional economic integration, and complement, not duplicate, other economic governance activities.
24. Implement the skills package in IA-CEPA in order to promote the education and training of our workforces, as well as strengthening mutual business literacy and people-to-people links.
25. Explore potential cooperation in support of Indonesia’s plan to move its capital city from Jakarta to East Kalimantan by sharing of experience, best practices and expertise;
26. Explore ways to boost economic cooperation and connectivity between the eastern part of Indonesia and the northern part of Australia, including through expanding transportation links under the MoU on Cooperation in the Transportation Sector signed on 31 August 2018;
27. Strengthen cooperation among financial institutions in both countries through, among others, financing infrastructure activities, promoting networking among financial institutions, promoting financial inclusion;
Other Bilateral Cooperation
28. Implement mutually beneficial, active arrangements on bilateral cooperation including:
- MoU on Health Cooperation to be entered into by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and the Australian Department of Health;
- MoU between the Australian Treasury and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia signed on 5 November 2018;
- MoU between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Australia concerning Cooperation in Transportation Security signed on 10 February 2020;
- General Agreement on Development Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Australia, signed on 9 July 1998;
- MoU on Cooperation in the Field of Creative Economy between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Australia, signed on 31 August 2018.
- Letter of Intent (LoI) between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia regarding Trilateral Cooperation signed in Jakarta on 8 January 2020;
- Letter of Intent (LoI) between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia regarding Cooperation on Digital Diplomacy signed in Jakarta on 8 January 2020.
We will strengthen shared links, with a focus on priority areas including education and language skills, cultural exchange, research collaboration and tourism. Deeper links and greater understanding between our communities will act as a springboard for an even broader partnership between Indonesia and Australia. We will:
29. Strengthen the shared linkages between the peoples of Indonesia and Australia, focusing on inter-cultural and inter-faith interactions as well as cooperation in the fields of education, research, media and the youth, and tourism;
30. Promote the continued organising of the Indonesia-Australia Dialogue (IAD) to promote dialogue and exchanges among political leaders, business-people, academics, friendship groups media and tech leaders as well as think-tanks;
31. Enhance existing sister cities/provinces cooperation through the implementation of concrete programs;
32. Continue the program of Indonesian Language for Foreign Speaker/BIPA Program for individuals and/or groups in Australia interested in learning Bahasa Indonesia;
33. Support the work of a number of high-profile male and female champions in Indonesia and Australia who can promote Australia-Indonesia relations.
34. Work together to continue to facilitate Work and Holiday visas (WHV) for eligible nationals of both countries, including under IA-CEPA;
35. Enhance consultation on the simplification of visa process within our respective immigration systems in order to facilitate the entry of Indonesians to Australia, and discuss other immigration matters of mutual interest through annual Australia-Indonesia immigration Joint Cooperation Working Group Meeting.
Inter-Cultural and Inter-Faith Cooperation
36. Promote cross-sectoral consultation and coordination as a means to enhance knowledge of Australian and Indonesian cultures through various media;
37. Promote the teaching of Bahasa Indonesia and understanding of Indonesian culture in Australian schools, at the earliest level of education possible, and provide scholarship and study opportunities to gain unique insights into contemporary Australian and Indonesian society;
38. Encourage arts and cultural exchanges among relevant institutions, highlighting the need for governments to fully support the efforts of individuals and groups;
39. Develop a program for visits and exchanges among faith and religious groups and organisations on the basis of equality, friendship, and mutual respect, such as the Australia-Indonesia Muslim Exchange Program under the Australia-Indonesia Institute (AII);
40. Promote moderate faith and religious understanding, as well as exchanges between faith communities including through regular dialogues, and continued support for the Indonesia-Australia Interfaith Dialogue following the first successful dialogue in 2019.
Education and Research Cooperation
41. Encourage the participation of Australian students in Indonesia’s Arts and Culture Scholarship and Darmasiswa Scholarship, as well as the development an association for alumni of these scholarships in Australia;
42. Continue two-way youth exchange, scholarship and professional development opportunities between our countries and continue to deepen Alumni engagement generally;
43. Continue to provide opportunities for Australian students to visit Indonesia under the New Colombo Plan and Indonesian students (from both public and private schools, including religious schools) to study in Australia under the Australia Awards program;
44. Promote human capital development by enabling greater private sector collaboration in basic technical and vocational education and higher education, as well as in research and innovation;
45. Promote direct linkages among schools and universities in both countries, including through the Building Relations through Intercultural Dialogue and Growing Engagement (BRIDGE) program in collaboration with the Australia-Indonesia Institute (AII) and the Partnership for Australia-Indonesia Research (PAIR) initiative in collaboration with the Australia-Indonesia Centre;
46. Promote academic collaboration programs between Indonesian and Australian universities in the field of double degrees, joint degrees and credit transfer programs;
47. Strengthen the regular high-level government-to-government meetings in the field of education, training and research as a means to identify opportunities for enhanced cooperation and mutually-beneficial strategic engagement;
48. Continue cooperation through the Joint Working Group meetings on Education, Training and Research (JWG on Education, Training and Research);
49. Encourage joint research programs in various fields of cooperation among scholars and academics at universities, research centres and the private sector;
50. Promote the concrete implementation of existing research cooperation arrangements, including:
- the MoU between BPS-Statistics Indonesia of the Republic of Indonesia and the Australia Bureau of Statistics concerning Collaboration in Statistical Activities, signed on 4 July 2018;
- the MoU between the Forestry and Environment Research, Development and Innovation Agency (FOERDIA) and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) for Furthering Cooperation on Forestry and Natural Resource Management, signed on 31 July 2019.
Media and Youth Cooperation
51. Intensify the exchange of visits by media organisations, including through government-sponsored exchange programs, with a view to developing joint programs and enhancing capacity building;
52. Facilitate visits and exchanges among youth groups and organisations, such as the Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program under the Australia-Indonesia Institute and the activities of Australia-Indonesia Youth Association.
Tourism Cooperation
53. Enhance consultations and coordination among government agencies and business in the field of tourism to promote greater tourist exchanges between Indonesia and Australia;
54. Strengthen and broaden the network among travel agencies in both countries with a view to developing tailor-made and attractive tour packages.
55. Enhance cooperation on sustainable tourism development to empower community-based tourism through technical assistance and the transfer of knowledge in order to promote environmentally friendly tourism and help alleviate poverty.
Our efforts to combat common defence and security challenges, including terrorism and transnational crime, will involve robust cooperation between Indonesian and Australian law, justice, integrity, security, defence, border, cyber, transport security, financial and intelligence agencies. Australia and Indonesia will remain vigilant to preserve peace and security in our neighbourhood and broader region. We will:
56. Encourage the regular organising of strategic dialogue mechanisms, including:
- the Annual Leaders’ Meeting (ALM);
- the Indonesia-Australia Foreign and Defence Ministers’ 2+2 Meeting (2+2 Meeting);
- the Indonesia-Australia Ministerial Council on Law and Security (IAMCLS); and
- the Indonesia-Australia Counter-Terrorism Consultation.
Defence Cooperation
57. Continuously improve channels for dialogue between our respective Defence Ministries and militaries to exchange ideas, views and experience on matters of common interest in the defence and military fields in order to enhance mutual understanding and establish mutual trust, including:
- the annual Defence Ministers’ Meeting (DMM);
- the annual Australia-Indonesia High Level Committee (Ausindo HLC);
- the annual Indonesia-Australia Defence Strategic Dialogue (IADSD).
58. Enhance practical exchanges at all levels through, among others, delegation visits, training programs, exchanges between military academies, port calls, and joint defence exercises between military of the two countries;
59. Continue to work together in the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM Plus) to foster practical defence cooperation among regional partners;
60. Continue to work together using the platform of the ASEAN Regional Forum to enhance open dialogue on political and security issues in the Indo-Pacific;
61. Continue our regional engagement and advocacy of Women, Peace and Security issues, including through the ASEAN-Australia Women, Peace and Security Dialogue (first held in 2018) and through the ASEAN Regional Forum;
62. Promote and enhance the role of women in the fields of defence and the military, including through relevant training and capacity building programs.
63. Continue to implement the Arrangement between the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia and the Department of Defence of Australia for the Implementation of the Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and Australia on the Framework for Security Cooperation and its Plan of Action on Defence Cooperation, signed in Perth on 1 February 2018.
Combatting Transnational Crime
64. Enhance dialogue and coordination among officials to encourage the effective implementation of regional and international arrangements to which both countries are parties to in addressing transnational crimes;
65. Enhance cooperation and coordination between law enforcement agencies and other related government agencies of the two countries in combating the illicit production, manufacturing and trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors;
66. Develop mechanisms for enhancing the sharing of information and best practices among law enforcement agencies and other related government agencies on issues relating to transnational crimes;
67. Continue our strong cooperation through mechanisms such as the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime; and the Bohol Trafficking in Persons Work Plan 2017-2020; and engage the private sector through the Bali Process Government and Business Forum to combat slavery, trafficking in persons and related exploitation in global supply chains;
68. Promote mutual border security by conducting regular coordinated activities, exercises, workshops and education exchanges; and continue participation in ASEAN border-related forums to ensure trade and travel facilitation while strengthening cooperation on border protection;
69. Enhance coordination between the Indonesian Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (INTRAC/PPATK) and the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) as well as related agencies in Australia to prevent and combat cross-border money laundering and related crime activities;
70. Implement existing, active cooperation agreements and arrangements including the:
- Extradition Treaty between the Republic of Indonesia and Australia signed on 22 April 1992;
- Treaty between the Republic of Indonesia and Australia on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters signed on 27 October 1995;
- MoU between the National Narcotics Board of the Republic of Indonesia and the Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Department of Home Affairs including Its Operational Arm, the Australian Border Force, on the Cooperation on Border Protection in the Fight Against Illicit Trafficking of Border Controlled Drugs, Narcotic Plants And Precursors, signed on 6 November 2018;
- Arrangement between the Indonesian National Police and Australian Federal Police on Cooperation in Preventing and Combating Transnational Crime, signed on 12 August 2019;
- Arrangement for Cooperation on Migration and Border Management between the Australian Department of Home Affairs and the Indonesian Directorate General of Immigration signed on 3 December 2019;
- Arrangement between Badan Keamanan Laut Republik Indonesia (the Maritime Security Agency of the Republic of Indonesia) and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection as represented by the Australian Border Force on Maritime Security Cooperation signed on 17 November 2017;
- MoU between the National Narcotics Board of the Republic of Indonesia and the Australian Federal Police on combatting illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, signed on 15 March 2011.
71. Continue negotiations towards a Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement between the Australian Border Force and the Indonesian Directorate General of Customs and Excise to be signed in 2020.
Cyber Issues
72. Support the implementation of the MoU on Cyber Cooperation signed on 31 August 2018;
73. Promote the continued organising of the Cyber Policy Dialoguebetween relevant agencies to enhance engagement on, and mutual understanding of, cyber issues;
74. Continue to work together to strengthen cyber resilience through bilateral and regional capacity building cooperation, in line with the MoU on Cyber Cooperation;
75. Agree to continue to work together to uphold the application of international law online and continue to implement voluntary and non-binding norms of responsible state behaviour in cyberspace;
76. Implement existing, active cooperation arrangements including the MoU between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Australia on Cyber Cooperation, signed on 31 August 2018, to further develop the cooperation of the two countries in related areas such as sharing of information and best practices; capacity building and strengthening connection; digital economy; cybercrime; and cyber policy dialogue;
77. Continue the Bilateral Counter Terrorism Consultation as an important dialogue mechanism for strengthening counter-terrorism efforts, as stipulated under the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism;
78. Develop mechanisms for enhancing the exchange of information among law enforcement agencies and other related government agencies as well as experiences and best practices on combating terrorism and violent extremism, particularly considering the borderless nature of terrorism;
79. Explore the possibility of conducting joint studies and research, as well as capacity building on preventing and countering terrorism and violent extremism, including the way to overcome the problems;
80. Expand bilateral and regional counter terrorism financing (CTF) and anti-money laundering cooperation, including with ASEAN Member States and other partners under the CTF Summit and its operational arm, the Financial Intelligence Consultative Group;
81. Cooperate bilaterally and regionally to build capacity on countering terrorism and preventing and countering violent extremism, including through strengthening legal frameworks and civil society programs; maintain our close partnership in the Global Counter Terrorism Forum, including through engagement via the countering violent extremism (CVE) working group; and work with online platforms to step up the ambition and pace of their efforts to prevent terrorist and violent extremist content from being streamed, uploaded or re-uploaded.
82. Continue our shared leadership of the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC); and continue to encourage the participation of Indonesian and Australian officials in JCLEC training programs;
83. Strengthen the leadership of Indonesia and Australia in efforts to enhance sub-regional cooperation in this field through the annual Sub-Regional Meeting on Counter Terrorism and Transnational Security co-chaired by Australia and Indonesia Ministers;
84. Continue to implement the MoU on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism, signed on 7 December 2018.
Legal Cooperation
85. Host regular information exchanges between law enforcement, security and intelligence agencies on a range of transnational issues and threats to sovereignty;
86. Strengthen legal cooperation through regular consultations and coordination among relevant agencies in both countries;
87. Continue to support the development of the capacity of Indonesia’s legal and law enforcement officials through the Australia Awards program and other capacity building programs.
88. Continue to implement the MoU on Legal Cooperation signed on 25 October 2000.
Maritime cooperation will be critical to our shared strategic, security, safety, environmental and economic interests. Priority areas include: supporting a rules-based maritime order, underpinned by international law; maritime security architecture and border protection; information sharing to combat transnational organised crime at sea; regional and coastal interconnectivity; reliability, safety and efficiency of shipping in the region; protection of the marine environment; and sustainable management of marine resources including efforts to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Building on our 2017 Joint Declaration on Maritime Cooperation, we will work together to achieve mutual economic and security benefits in the maritime domain. We will:
89. Carry out the Plan of Action for the implementation of the Joint Declaration on Maritime Cooperation, signed on 16 March 2018, to achieve mutual economic and security benefits in the maritime domain, on the areas of maritime security and safety, connectivity and the sustainable management of marine resources;
90. Support activities to implement the Plan of Action;
91. Enhance information-sharing to understand the full range of maritime security challenges in our immediate region and beyond;
92. Promote maritime security and safety, freedom of navigation, unimpeded commerce, the exercise of self-restraint, the non-use of force or threat to use force, and the resolution of disputes by peaceful means, in accordance with international law, particularly the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the relevant standards and instruments of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO);
93. Emphasise the need to enhance mutual trust and confidence, exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities and avoid actions that may complicate situations;
94. Progress opportunities for further bilateral and regional engagement with key regional partners on maritime cooperation, including through Indonesia-Australia-India trilateral engagement, the Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum (EAMF) and the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA).
Maritime Security Cooperation
95. Promote regional maritime cooperation through existing regional architecture such as the Regional Plan of Action to Promote Responsible Fishing Practices including Combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in the Region (RPOA-IUU), signed in 2007;
96. Strengthen maritime security cooperation through extensive collaboration and cooperation between respective maritime law enforcement agencies to combat transnational crime committed at sea;
97. Strengthen bilateral cooperation in combating IUU fishing and fulfil the commitments made by IORA members in the Jakarta Concord in 2017, to promote maritime safety and security in the region by strengthening regional cooperation to address trans-boundary challenges, including crimes in the fisheries sector;
98. Improve capacity building on maritime domain awareness, particularly in regard to maritime security, through information sharing, technical training and exchanges;
99. Conduct coordinated patrols and maritime security desktop exercises, and exchange maritime domain awareness (MDA) information between Badan Keamanan Laut Republik Indonesia (BAKLAMA), the Indonesian Coast Guard (IDNCG) and the Australian Border Force, as well as between Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) and the Australian Defence Force (ADF);
100. Enhance cooperation and coordination among law enforcement agencies and other related government agencies in combating the illicit production, manufacturing and trafficking of drugs in the region;
101. Enhance naval engagement in regional and multilateral forums to promote shared maritime interests and commitments;
102. Enhance and promote maritime cooperation through various regional and multilateral fora, such as the Heads of Asian Coast Guards Agencies Meeting and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Maritime Security work-stream.
Maritime Safety Cooperation
103. Collaborate to boost maritime economic growth through improved maritime connectivity and the facilitation of safe and reliable maritime trade, investment, services and tourism;
104. Collaborate to improve the safety, reliability, and efficiency of shipping that will contribute to the advancement of maritime trade;
105. Promote training of safety inspectors in port state control to support compliance with international conventions;
106. Promote capacity building cooperation on search and rescue coordination and operations;
107. Promote cooperation on maritime meteorology through information sharing and capacity building, including cooperation as Regional Tsunami Service Providers under the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWMS) on providing tsunami threat information to Member States;
108. Enhance maritime cooperation in disaster risk management, human resource development, and information exchange between relevant agencies of the two countries;
109. Improve capacity building, communication and coordination in maritime safety awareness.
110. Continue to engage through the Asia Pacific Heads of Maritime Safety Agencies meetings.
Sustainable Management of Marine Resources and Blue Carbon
111. Support cooperative and coordinated activities to prevent, deter, and eliminate IUU fishing based on the existing and effective national, regional and international regulations and measures;
112. Enhance efforts and measures to promote responsible fishing practices and to combat IUU fishing through information sharing and capacity building activities;
113. Explore every possible joint initiative and strengthen cooperation with other Governments and international organisations to combat IUU fishing and to promote the governance of sustainable fisheries;
114. Strengthen mechanisms to support the sustainable management of marine resources in Indonesia and Australia;
115. Intensify cooperation to promote fishery and aquaculture industry development on outer Indonesian islands.
116. Strengthen cooperation in the area of maritime cultural heritage, with a focus on capacity building;
117. Promote cooperation on the establishment of an international instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdictions under UNCLOS;
118. Promote cooperation on coral reef condition monitoring, research and development and management to support increasing the resilience or, where natural recovery is eroded, the restoration of coral reefs, including through, but not limited to, the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI);
119. Promote joint efforts to improve marine environment protection, including preparedness on and response to trans-boundary maritime pollution such as from oil, chemicals, hazardous waste and noxious substances;
120. Continue active cooperation by implementing the MoU between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia concerning Transboundary Marine Pollution Preparedness and Response, signed on 29 October 2018.
121. Strengthen cooperation on blue carbon through the International Partnership for Blue Carbon and the Indonesia-Australia Blue Carbon Program.
122. Strengthen cooperation in managing solid waste and marine plastic debris including through the Australia-Indonesia Systemic Innovation Lab on Marine Plastic Waste;
123. Strengthen education and research cooperation in the sustainable development of the blue economy and addressing marine pollution through cooperation between universities or institutes and collaborative research activities, as well as marine scientific research and capacity building, taking into account the protection of genetic resources and traditional knowledge pursuant to the prevailing laws and regulations of both countries.
We are both active supporters of an open, inclusive and rules-based region, including through regional institutions such as ASEAN and the East Asia Summit (EAS), which sit at the centre of the Indo-Pacific. As two of the largest and most vibrant democracies in the region, Indonesia and Australia have common interests and responsibilities to ensure stability as well as to manage uncertainty and change in the Indo-Pacific region. We will:
124. Seek opportunities to strengthen our bilateral exchanges on important strategic issues facing our region;
125. Work together to support inclusive regional economic integration, and cooperate in key global economic forums;
126. Strengthen coordination and cooperation in such multilateral forums with a view to maintaining a stable, resilient and prosperous region, including the United Nations, G20, World Trade Organization (WTO), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and IORA, and ASEAN-led regional architecture such as EAS, ARF and ADMM+.
Cooperation Through ASEAN-Led Mechanisms
127. Acknowledge the centrality of ASEAN in underpinning regional security and stability, strengthen cooperation efforts through the ASEAN-led regional architecture, particularly the EAS, ARF and ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus);
128. Promote the implementation of the Plan of Action to Implement the ASEAN-Australia Strategic Partnership (2020-2024).
129. Acknowledge Australia’s active, deep and longstanding partnership with ASEAN since becoming its first Dialogue Partner in 1974 and support Australia’s enhanced engagements with ASEAN at the Leaders’ level, including regular ASEAN-Australia Summits.
Indo-Pacific Cooperation
130. Develop programs to concretely implement the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific, as a reflection of the shared commitment to work together towards a stronger and more resilient regional architecture in the Indo-Pacific and contribute to resolving our shared regional and global challenges;
131. Support Indonesia’s plan to host the World Economic Forum on ASEAN and the Indo-Pacific 2020 in July, in which Australia will participate;
132. Support the implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025, the ASEAN Economic Community, and ASEAN-led forums on maritime;
133. Continue to strengthen trilateral and multilateral meetings between Indonesia, Australia, and other countries that contribute to a stable, prosperous and resilient Indo-Pacific, including the ongoing trilateral cooperation with India and Timor Leste;
134. Share and exchange relevant information on strategic developments and the outlook for the Indo-Pacific region that will assist both countries in policy-making and implementation;
135. Host regular senior officials’ meetings on bilateral, regional and global issues of shared interest, which could be expanded to a 1.5 track dialogue in the future;
136. Remain committed to executing initiatives underlined in the Jakarta Concord and IORA Plan of Action 2017-2021, which is focused on six priority areas, namely Maritime Safety and Security; Trade and Investment Facilitation; Fisheries Management; Disaster Risk Management; Tourism and Cultural Exchanges; Academic, Science, and Technology cooperation; the Blue Economy; and Women’s Economic Empowerment.
137. Enhance collaboration in responding to regional humanitarian crises, including through the new disaster response partnership framework;
138. Build regional preparedness and capacity to respond to emerging health threats, including strengthening our ability to mitigate, detect and respond to health emergencies and infectious diseases outbreaks in order to increase national, regional and global health security.
Cooperation in the Pacific
139. Recognise the importance of deep, broad and constructive engagement with Pacific Island countries and Pacific regional institutions;
140. Actively develop trilateral cooperation between Indonesia, Australia and Pacific Island countries that supports development and capacity building, including exploring options for practical cooperation in areas including climate change, sustainable and inclusive economic growth, women and children’s rights, health, disaster management, fisheries, agriculture, and SMEs.
141. Commit to further exploring options for complementary development cooperation, including but not limited to regular senior officials’ meetings on ways and means for Indonesia and Australia to work together to support the development of Pacific Island countries/territories, including through a possible trilateral cooperation framework comprising relevant agencies in Indonesia and Australia, and a third country.
Democracy and Human Rights
142. Promote dialogues and exchanges involving government officials and non-government actors, as a means to share experiences and best practice in promoting democracy and human rights;
143. Jointly promote the value of the Bali Democracy Forum as the premier forum for promoting home-grown democracy in the Indo-Pacific region;
144. Strengthen consultations and coordination in further promoting cooperation in the fields of democracy and human rights in multilateral forums, such as ASEAN and the United Nations, including in the Human Rights Council.
Multilateral Cooperation
145. Continue to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in the area of peacekeeping operations and post-conflict peace-building under the auspices of the United Nations;
146. Ensure close cooperation on international candidacies;
147. Work together in achieving the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to ensure sustained growth and sustainable development in the region.
148. Promote cooperation on the Women, Peace and Security Agenda.
149. Funding arrangement for any activity under this Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Australia-Indonesia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership will be defined and decided by both participants of the said activity.
150. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and Australia will report annually to Leaders on the progress of the implementation of the Plan of Action of the Australia-Indonesia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.
151. Such a report will be prepared and compiled jointly through senior officials and ministerial meetings. Through such reports, Foreign Ministers can make recommendations to adjust joint activities in response to changing circumstances and priorities.
Signed at Canberra on this tenth day of February in the year 2020, in duplicate, each in the Indonesian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of difference in interpretation, the English text will prevail.
For and on behalf of the Government of Australia
Senator the Hon. Marise Payne
Former Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Women of Australia
For and on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
Retno L.P. Marsudi
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia