Summary of report
The Regional Humanitarian Strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan (‘the Strategy’) provides a strategic policy overview to guide Australia’s humanitarian engagement and investments in Afghanistan and Pakistan from 2021 to 2024.
In August 2020, an independent Mid-Term Review of the first phase of the Strategy (2018 to 2020) found that the Strategy was an appropriate, relevant, effective and efficient response to the protracted humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Through the first phase of the Strategy, Australia has delivered critical humanitarian assistance to displaced people and host communities on both sides of the border. The Mid-Term Review also found that substantial humanitarian need in both countries persists, and recommended that Australia continue multi-year contributions to existing partners through the regional approach to humanitarian assistance across Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The protracted nature of challenges in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region mean that short-term humanitarian assistance alone is insufficient. Under this Strategy, DFAT will develop targeted, well-planned multi-year interventions through to 2024, and focus our humanitarian advocacy on three priority cross-cutting issues – gender, protection, and disability. The Strategy promotes Australia’s leadership in responding to humanitarian crises and human displacement in our region, and contribution to global relief and recovery efforts as outlined in the Partnerships for Recovery Strategy: Australia’s COVID-19 Development and Response Plan.
DFAT will provide predictable, flexible and largely un-earmarked funding to address immediate humanitarian and protection needs in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This will allow partners to fill gaps in response efforts to meet emerging priorities as they arise. Multi-year funding for Afghanistan will be channelled through the World Food Programme (WFP), UN Population Fund (UNFPA), and the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund (AHF) managed by the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). This Strategy details humanitarian expenditure from the Afghanistan bilateral development program, with investments scalable where necessary. With the conclusion of Australia’s bilateral development program to Pakistan in 2019-2020, humanitarian priorities in Pakistan will be supported by DFAT global funding where available and as needs emerge. If required, including in response to sudden onset crises, additional ad-hoc allocations may be provided.