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Philippine Civil Maritime Security Program Mid-Term Review Report and Management Response

This review was commissioned to assess the efficiency, effectiveness and relevance of the Philippine Civil Maritime Security Program (PCMSP), as well as the gender equality and disability inclusion outcomes into the program’s implementation. The review documented achievements and successes of PCMSP and identified recommendations for improvement in programming and operations. PCMSP is an AUD 9 million investment for over four years [2021-2024]. The program supports strengthened maritime governance arrangements, institutional capacity building, promotion of discussion and analysis of maritime issues, a coral reef restoration project and a countering marine plastics project.

Overall, the review found that PCMSP is performing well against its objectives. The review team recommended the PCMSP convene the Program Coordinating Committee (PCC); consider standardising the reporting structure; recommend partners to undergo GEDSI training; and improve community understanding of the link between geopolitical developments and local livelihoods.

Management Response

Philippine Civil Maritime Security Program 2023 Management Response Document Summary for the MTR Management Response The criteria used in the PCMSP Mid Term Review were aligned with DFAT monitoring and evaluation tools and standards. The review recommendations relate to longer term approaches to the delivery and governance of the program. While most of the recommendations will require strategic planning and can be operationalised through the recalibration of PCMSP, some recommendations are already being addressed and implemented by DFAT, and the partners. DFAT welcomes the MTR findings and agree in part with majority of the recommendations proposed in the report.

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