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Australian Volunteers

Australian Volunteers Program

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How we are helping

2025-26 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]

$27.0 million

2024-25 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]

$25.0 million

2023-24 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]

$23.0 million

About the Australian Volunteers Program

The Australian Volunteers Program matches skilled Australians with organisations in partner countries to help these organisations to deliver on their own objectives. The program uses international volunteering as a people-centred approach to capacity development.

The Australian Volunteers Program is part of the Australian Government's people-to-people program portfolio, connecting Australians to Australia's development program and the region.

The Program is guided by a set of high-level principles, which underpin how we work. These principles ensure that we work in ways that:

  • value volunteering
  • support locally-led capacity strengthening
  • build strong relationships and partnerships
  • evolve best practice and embrace innovation
  • enhance diversity and inclusion
  • ensure accountability and value learning.

The Program works in 25 countries: Bhutan, Cambodia, Eswatini, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Indonesia, Laos, Lesotho, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, The Philippines, Nepal, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Vietnam.

You can follow the Australian Volunteers Program on social media.

Further information on the Australian Volunteers Program can also be found on the Australian Volunteers Program website. The media and publications section of this website contains publications relating to the program.

Becoming a volunteer


Are you interested in volunteering? Learn more about the Australian Volunteers Program and opportunities to volunteer by visiting the Australian Volunteers Program website and subscribing to receive regular assignment updates.

If you are looking to volunteer through other programs, advice on responsible volunteering is available on Smartraveller. Thoroughly research the organisation that you plan to work with to ensure they are reputable, particularly when working with children.

Partner organisations


Volunteers are placed within partner organisations and work with counterparts and colleagues to contribute to building capacity within the organisation.

Partner organisations include non-government organisations (NGOs), civil society and humanitarian organisations, government agencies, educational institutions, private sector enterprises and United Nations agencies.

By hosting an Australian volunteer, partner organisations will have access to skilled and experienced people who can meet current needs in their work plans. Volunteers can also train and mentor staff to expand the capacity of the organisation to meet its future needs. In addition to their skills and expertise, Australian volunteers are recognised for their flexibility, innovation and enthusiasm.

Australian partner organisations

Australian organisations can also get involved in the Australian Volunteers Program by linking with partner organisations overseas and providing professional support to volunteers while on assignment. Australian partner organisations include government departments, educational institutions, NGOs and private sector enterprises.
Interested in becoming a partner organisation? More information can be found by visiting  the Australian Volunteers Program website.

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