Meet our 2019 grantees
Sector: Creative Industries, including fashion, design, architecture
Country location: Australia, Republic of Korea
Grantee: Queensland Music Network Incorporated
Project description
This project is a dynamic program of cultural exchange between two of the world's most significant contemporary music markets: Zandari Festa (Seoul) and BIGSOUND (Brisbane).
Funding from AKF will support three Australian music acts to showcase in September at ZANDARI in an Australia focused music event. Furthermore, Zandari will invite several high-profile Australian music programmers and promoters to attend the event, and host an Australia-focused networking and information session aimed at increasing awareness of the Australian contemporary music scene abroad. Supported by AKF in 2018, Phase 1 of the project saw the successful delivery of the Korea showcase at BIGSOUND, yielding fantastic results. These two events are vital meeting places for musicians and key influencers in the industry from around the globe, providing platforms for exchange, networking, advocacy, showcasing and deep cultural engagement.
Key dates
Zandari Festa, Seoul, 24 - 27 September 2020
Social media: via all BIGSOUND social media and Zandari: BIGSOUND: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Website, ZANDARI: tba
Australia-Korea Foundation grant offer: $35,000.00
Contact person
Angela Samut - Queensland Music Network Incorporated 0732570013