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2018-19 AKF grant recipients

Grantee Project title Project description Funding Project number
University of Newcastle Enhancement of Australia-Korea Collaboration Capacity for Sustainable Energy Research This project aims at enhancement of the existing collaboration network between University of Newcastle, Pusan National University and Korea Southern Power Company, with the ultimate goal of promoting research capacity on sustainable power generation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through workshops and student/researcher exchange. $24,492.00 AKF2018002
Swinburne University of Technology Innovation in Construction Automation & Technologies: an Australia-Korea Academic Collaboration This project proposes collaboration between Australia (Swinburne University of Technology) and Korea (Hanyang University and Pusan National University). This project stems from an existing partnership, and focuses on investigating innovation in construction by building up joint academic programs. $50,000.00 AKF2018003
Gandhi Creations Pty Ltd Fashions of Multicultural Australia (FOMA) Fashions of Multicultural Australia is a first-ever national initiative that will integrate cultures, generate trade opportunities and foster social cohesion through the universally binding industry that is fashion. $30,000.00 AKF2018004
The Walkley Foundation Australia-Korea Media Exchange The program will continue to offer a bi-annual exchange between Australian and Korean journalists to develop partnerships in areas of shared interest in a bilateral, regional and global context. This project facilitates an important ongoing exchange of ideas and expertise. $50,000.00 AKF2018013
University of South Australia Australia-Korea Joint Research Partnership Establishment for SMART and Sustainable Future The project will strengthen the continuation of current Australia-Korea collaboration by supporting the establishment of MoUs between the two countries for further research and education exchanges. This project will promote the Australia-Korea collaboration in Adelaide and Seoul in November 2018. $25,880.00 AKF2018021
Australia-Korea Business Council Seminar to enhance Australian and Korean business cultural understanding The 2015 Australian International Business Survey identified local language, culture, and business practicalities as the largest single barrier to conducting business in Korea for Australian businesses. Australia Korea Business Council proposes to organise a seminar to promote cultural understanding between Australia and Korea. $16,750.00 AKF2018025
University of Technology Sydney Australia-Korea FinTech Regulation Symposium: fostering bilateral relationships through sustainable innovation Australia and Republic of Korea Governments both prioritise innovation. The project connects Australia-Korea participants to network on financial technologies $22,000.00 AKF2018026
Dr Hyung-joo Park Building up cross - cultural understanding through children's literature In partnership with KBBY (Korean Board on Books for Young People) and Bang Jung-Hwan Research Institute, this project will invite two guest speakers from Australia and showcase Australian Children's books in the National Library for Children and Young Adults, Seoul, Korea $11,353.85 AKF2018027
The University of Newcastle AsiaPacific-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (AKC2018) AKC2018 will be a vibrant conference to showcase all aspects of science and technology in the Asia Pacific region $10,000.00 AKF2018029
University of Western Australia Intelligent Cybersecurity: Jumpstarting Collaboration on Smarter Security for Dynamic Networks Korea is a cybersecurity world leader. With the launch of the Australian Government's Cyber Security Strategy, the collaborations between Sungkyunkwan University, Korea University, Seoul Women's University and the University of Western Australia will jumpstart smarter security for emerging networking technologies. $50,000.00 AKF2018032
University of South Australia Project to enable a Korean-Australian Studies Centre at the UniSA This project supports the Korean-Australian Studies Centre (KASC) at the University of South Australia. The KASC will be the first Korean Studies Centre in Australia that is distinctively focused on Korea-Australia relations. $20,000.00 AKF2018033
Queensland Art Gallery I Gallery of Modern Art The presentation of contemporary Korean visual art in APT9 The Triennial of Contemporary Art (APT) is Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA)'s flagship international contemporary art project and the only major recurring series in the world to focus on the contemporary art of the region. APT9 will feature a dynamic presentation of contemporary visual art from Korea. $30,000.00 AKF2018038
Swinburne University of Technology Lessons from Sharing City Seoul for Melbourne's Sharing Economy The project looks at Seoul's experience as the world's leading Sharing City, and how the Sharing City Seoul project can inform policy making in Melbourne to enhance innovation in its sharing economy. $14,100.00 AKF2018039
Macquarie University, Sydney Developing teachers'/students' science capital and intercultural understanding via STEAM education The main activity will be improving the professional capacities of primary and secondary teachers and developing instructional resources for integrating the arts into the teaching of STEM. The resources developed will be implemented in classrooms in Australian and Korean schools. $33,000.00 AKF2018040
Griffith University Magnetic-assisted microfluidic CTC capture and integrated electrochemistry-based tumour genotyping Our Australian investigators have recently developed a simple and inexpensive method to detect cancer in patients. The proposed project aims at further developing this method via expertise and facilities exchange through reciprocal visits of the Australian and South Korean researchers. $19,000.00 AKF2018043
Arts Tasmania, Department of State Growth Tasmania to Jeju: Artistic and Cultural Exchange Arts Tasmania and Jeju Foundation for Arts and Culture will establish a two-year reciprocal artist residency exchange. The residencies will support artists to undertake three-month residencies and connect with the arts and cultural sectors in Tasmania and Jeju. $45,940.00 AKF2018046
University of Tasmania Australia and Korea in the Antarctic This project will provide venues for exchanging information on areas of mutual interest in the Antarctic between Australia and the Korea, and facilitating the establishment of stakeholder networks for the promotion of scientific research, economic opportunities and academic exchange. $38,000.00 AKF2018047
University of New South Wales Australia-Korea Project Management Workshop for Early Career STEM Researchers The project provides open workshops to develop project management skills for early career STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) researchers in Korea and Australia. Participants are provided comprehensive training on project management essentials and mentorship by senior researchers and industry practitioners. $28,000.00 AKF2018052
Castlemaine State Festival Castlemaine State Festival (CSF) 2019 Program Focus on Asia: Korea The 2019 festival's focus on Korea celebrates Korean arts and culture, and its relationship to Australia. This project seeks to contribute to enriching Australian-Korean relations - in cultural terms and beyond - and facilitate opportunities for intercultural collaboration through the arts. $30,000.00 AKF2018056
Korea Association of International Development and Cooperation (KAIDEC) Australia-Korea Research Platform for International Development Cooperation The project links Australian and Korean academics/practitioners in aid for developing countries by building collaboration platform. It enhances mutual understanding in each country's aid policies and practices, which is increasingly important for regional geopolitics in ASEAN countries and Pacific Islands. $24,600.00 AKF2018058
Dr Jeffrey Robertson Ambassadorial Afterthoughts: Building the Australia-Korea Relationship The project explores the Australia-Korea bilateral relationship through the eyes of retired ambassadors; establishing a primary resource collection for future research; and compiling a comprehensive text to serve as a research and teaching resource. $24,000.00 AKF2018061
Australian Baseball Federation Inc "Happy Rising": Using Baseball to Showcase Australia to Korea The Australian Baseball League will build upon existing international profile and interest by placing an "All-Korean" team in the Australian Baseball League, and then use innovative broadcasts, online and mobile technology to present a snapshot of Australian life to millions of Koreans. $25,000.00 AKF2018062
University of New South Wales Making Cities Safer For Women and Children With Smart Technology This project brings together Korea's Land and Housing Corporation with University of NSW's Smart Cities Research Cluster to share expertise on machine learning and data analytics to develop practical strategies for making cities safer for women and children in Korea and Australia. $20,000.00 AKF2018063
Mr Nathan Stoneham Hello: A performance made in collaboration with people with disability An inclusive performance making process with a presentation of "Hello" at Chuncheon Arts Festival. Devised by people with disability from "The Women Striving for Brighter Tomorrow" with Company Bad (Nathan Stoneham, Younghee Park, Jeremy Neideck) and Staff Seoul (Korea). $17,480.00 AKF2018069
Insearch Limited Former North Korean Students Scholarship Program Enable five former North Korean students (now citizens of South Korea) to study English in Sydney for 30 weeks to enhance their career and education prospects and build bilateral relations. $64,855.00 AKF2018070
Australian Art Orchestra Australian Art Orchestra Creative Music Intensive, Symposium, Meeting Points Creative Music Intensive brings together musicians from Australia and Korea with Bae Il Dong, Sunny Kim, Myungjin Ko and Arnhem Land songmen. Followed by Symposium and workshops at Melbourne University and concert at Arts Centre Melbourne. $11,500.00 AKF2018074
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Rehabilitation and reprocessing of minesites and tailings for resource recovery The project will develop and execute an international workshop in Korea and facilitate site-based visits between CSIRO and Korean NST research institutes to transfer knowledge for the implementation of a minesite environmental remediation and metal recovery strategy for Korea. $25,400.00 AKF2018078
Cordell Jigsaw Productions Pty Ltd The Fair Way The Fair Way is a television comedy series set on the Australian and Korean professional golf circuits. CJZ seeks to secure multiple industry partnerships between the Korean and Australian Television industries to develop, produce, distribute and promote this project. $20,000.00 AKF2018079
Queensland Music Network Incorporated Australia / Korea Music Market Exchange between BIGSOUND and Zandari Festa. BIGSOUND (Brisbane) and Zandari Festa (Seoul) will engage in a reciprocal cultural exchange that sees significant international showcasing opportunities for both Korean and Australian contemporary musicians as well as networking opportunities for festival programmers and promoters. $30,000.00 AKF2018083
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