We cannot consider your application if it does not satisfy all the eligibility criteria.
Who is eligible to apply for a grant?
To be eligible you must:
- be one of the following entity types:
- an Australian entity with an Australian Business Number (ABN), Australian Company Number (ACN), or Indigenous Corporation Number (ICN).
- an Australian consortium with a lead organisation.
- an Australian registered charity or not-for-profit organisation.
- an Australian local government body.
- an Australian State/Territory government body.
- a Corporate Commonwealth entity.
- an Australian statutory authority.
- an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia.
- a citizen of the Republic of Korea.
- an organisation in the Republic of Korea.
- be already based in Australia or the Republic of Korea.
- as part of your application, provide your project's child protection guidelines that meets the DFAT Child Protection Policy if it involves people under the age of 18 years.
Applications from consortia are acceptable, provided you have a lead applicant who is the main driver of the project and is eligible as per the list above.
Individuals who intend the grant to be administered by a university should list their university as the applicant.
Who is not eligible to apply for a grant?
You are not eligible to apply if you are:
- an organisation, or your project partner is an organisation, included on the National Redress Scheme's website on the list of 'Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme'
- a previous applicant who has not provided a full and satisfactory acquittal of a project in an earlier grant round. This includes grantees from previous grant rounds who have current projects that have not been acquitted.
What can the grant money be used for?
Your grant must be used to implement the project outlined within the application. You can use the grant to pay for costs detailed in your budget and grant agreement, including:
- economy flights, modest accommodation costs (3-4 star hotel), meals and travel allowances - refer to ATO Tax Determination.
- Communication and translation.
- Venue hire and catering (where possible, it is preferred that co-contributions for catering is provided from the applicant or from another source).
- advertising and promotion, graphic design, photography, social media, video and printed material.
- production costs, including freight, artists' and support staff wages and/or fees directly related to the project (business-as-usual wages or fees will not be supported by this grant).
- labour costs (salaries, fees or wages) of staff specifically appointed to deliver the core elements of the project (labour costs of staff who receive their business-as-usual or ongoing salaries/fees/wages will not be supported by this grant).
- only one participant per conference or meeting and only where the participant is a principal speaker and the subject of the conference is of direct relevance to the grant opportunity. (Travel for more than one person, where an event is specifically focused on the proposed AKF grant activity, must be fully justified in the application and will be considered on a case-by-case basis).
You can only spend grant funds on eligible grant activities as defined in the grant details in your grant agreement.
What can't the grant money be used for?
You cannot normally use the grant for the following:
- capital expenditure, including purchase of real estate and vehicles
- purchase of equipment (for example, musical instruments, computers, videos, photographic or printing equipment)
- activities which are already commercially viable in their own right
- activities which will provide commercial advantage to the applicant (e.g. promotion of the applicant's own business)
- costs incurred in the preparation of a grant application or related documentation, other than costs relating to auspices services, project administration or coordination for the delivery of the project (e.g. temporary engagement of a coordinator)
- subsidy of general ongoing administration of an organisation such as electricity, phone, rent, and/or administrative charges levied by the applicant's organisation
- business-as-usual or ongoing salaries, fees or wages
- honorariums
- study tours or activities where travel by a significant number of participants is the principal element of the proposal
- scholarships or fellowships to individual students
- exchange programs for individual students
- activities for which other Commonwealth, State, Territory or Local Government bodies have primary responsibility (e.g. academic research, assistance to business, development assistance projects)
- covering of retrospective costs or recurrent funding of activities
- completed projects
- side activities not related to the project, including tourist site visits, and
- passport applications.
We generally do not fund travel and accommodation for attendance at conferences or meetings; participation in fieldwork; sporting; or other events. Such activities are scrutinised by the AKF Board and must be of direct relevance to the project and AKF objectives.