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Aus4Reform Review

Summary of publication

The Review of Aus4Reform was tasked with (1) evaluating the effectiveness of the Program in achieving the end-of-investment outcomes and (2) informing the development of a potential future phase of Aus4Reform.


This section evaluates the existing Aus4Reform program against the following six criteria.

Strategic alignment

The Review team examined the strategic alignment of the Program and found that the Program is relevant, and well-aligned with the Vietnam government’s development agenda and the strategies of other development partners.

Effectiveness and value for money

We also find that the effectiveness and value for money of the Program is high. First, because Aus4Reform outputs are generally of high quality, despite some variability. Second, because outputs readily translate into reform outcomes. Program activities mostly targeted areas where there was a well-defined and already agreed upon reform agenda. This meant that there was an automatic interest in most of the outputs, and these outputs could be linked to short term reform outcomes. Activities linked to emerging issues were also useful in contributing to the evidence base and advocating for change. Third, because the Program delivered outputs and outcomes at relatively low cost and provided additionality by:

  • Increasing access to international experience to provide a comparative perspective and highlight good practices.
  • Facilitating greater and more structured consultations with a broader range of stakeholders.
  • Encouraging more analysis of the overall costs and benefits of proposed reform measures, and their distribution, including attention to disadvantaged groups.

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Management response to the Aus4Reform Review

DFAT agreed with the MTR’s overarching recommendation that it should focus on steps to enhance the sustainability of outcomes delivered under the current Program, including through consideration of a possible new iteration of the program. DFAT, in alignment with our economic recovery pillar under the Vietnam COVID-19 Development Response, will incorporate recommended improvements and propose an appropriate modality for consideration.

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