- … that have been made. We look forward to receiving the Strategic Assessment forshadowed in the Secretary-General's …https://dfat.gov.au/international-relations/international-organisations/un/unsc-2013-2014/national-statements/Pages/united-nations-stabilisation-mission-in-haiti-minustah-2 -
- … us all. Australia is proud of what we have achieved in partnership with Pacific island countries. Society benefits …https://dfat.gov.au/news/news/Pages/investing-in-pacific-women-is-investing-in-the-region -
- … AACES. AACES is a five year (2011-16) $90 million partnership program between the Department of Foreign Affairs … change they want to see. In its second year, the unique partnership program is on track to meet its objectives. AACES … beyond the life of the program. The program's strong partnership approach has encouraged learning and sharing of …https://dfat.gov.au/news/news/Pages/ngos-advance-disability-inclusive-development-in-africa -
- … International Agricultural Research (PDF 689kb) Australian Strategic Policy Institute (PDF 582kb) (Please note this …https://dfat.gov.au/news/news/Pages/public-submissions-on-performance-benchmarks-for-the-australian-aid-program -
- … their commitment to effective aid with the 10-year Partnership for Pacific Regionalism and Enhanced Development … and SPC Director-General Dr Colin Tukuitonga co-signed the Partnership, transitioning the SPC-Australia relationship … time for SPC, and for this relationship under the new Partnership Agreement. The Partnership is something different …https://dfat.gov.au/news/news/Pages/australia-commits-to-on-the-ground-results-in-the-pacific -
- https://dfat.gov.au/about-us/publications/aid/aaces-annual-report-2012-13/Pages/conclusion-and-looking-forward -
- … support from men. Partnerships The results of the 2013 partnership survey indicated that African NGO partners wanted … to all factors that influence the effectiveness of the partnership. Disability inclusiveness There are a number of …https://dfat.gov.au/about-us/publications/aid/aaces-annual-report-2012-13/Pages/key-lessons-learned -
- https://dfat.gov.au/about-us/publications/aid/aaces-annual-report-2012-13/Pages/nothing-about-us-without-us-people-with-disability-take-the-lead-in-tanzania -
- … of Chipinge Hospital have visited the village. In partnership with Plan they are helping to set up more …https://dfat.gov.au/about-us/publications/aid/aaces-annual-report-2012-13/Pages/disability-now-a-community-issue-in-zimbabwe -
- https://dfat.gov.au/about-us/publications/aid/aaces-annual-report-2012-13/Pages/learning-for-good-practice -