Submissions on the reviews of the services and investment chapters of ChAFTA and the associated Investment Facilitation Arrangement MOU
During the 22 to 26 March visit to Australia of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, then Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, Steven Ciobo, and Chinese Commerce Minister, Zhong Shan, signed a Declaration of Intent regarding Review of Elements of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement. The Declaration announcing the commencement of reviews of services and investment commitments under the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA), as well as a review of the operation of the Investment Facilitation Arrangement (IFA) MOU concluded alongside the Agreement.
ChAFTA delivered China's best-ever services commitments, including the provision of new or significantly improved market access not included in any of China's previous FTAs (other than its agreements with Hong Kong and Macau). Beneficiaries include Australian banks, insurers, securities and futures companies, law firms, professional services suppliers, and education services exporters, as well as health, aged care, construction, manufacturing and telecommunications services businesses in China.
The Investment Chapter of ChAFTA provides a basis to deepen and diversify the bilateral investment relationship. Under ChAFTA, Australia and China committed to commence negotiations for further investment protections and increased market access in the future. Under most-favoured nation treatment (MFN) provisions, China committed to extend to Australian investors and their investments any more favourable treatment it provides to other foreign investors under future investment arrangements. These provisions protect Australia's competitive position in China into the future.
ChAFTA already supports increased services trade and investment flows in both directions by providing increased legal certainty on access conditions for Australian services exporters and investors. Following the services and investment reviews, we expect to commence negotiations with China promptly with the aim of further reducing barriers to trade in services and agreeing on additional protections for investors.
DFAT welcomes submissions from interested individuals and groups on the reviews of the services and investment chapters of ChAFTA as well as the review of the associated IFA MOU. In your submission you may wish to focus on one or all of these reviews. Especially helpful would be information on specific barriers to investment and services trade faced by business in China, and priorities for any possible future negotiations. The information stakeholders provide will assist the Government in determining Australia's key priorities as we progress these reviews.
Negotiations are likely to commence in late October 2017, however we are happy to continue receiving submissions to the review at any time.
Submissions received
- Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) [PDF]
- Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network Ltd (AFTINET) [PDF]
- CPA Australia [PDF]
- King & Wood Mallesons [PDF 318 KB]
Submissions for ChAFTA negotiations
Negotiations for ChAFTA began in 2005. As part of the negotiations process, DFAT invited interested people and organisations to make written submissions. Submissions ranged from short emails and letters outlining a person's views on a particular topic, to more-substantial documents from organisations and peak bodies covering a range of issues. The government received more than 260 written submissions.
Below are the public submissions received during negotiations.
Submissions received
- Abalone Association of Australasia Incorporated First submission [PDF] | Second submission [PDF] | Third submission [PDF]
- Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Harmonising Administrative Procedures in PTA to Support Trade Facilitation [PDF 494 KB]
- Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Industry views on documentation in FTAs [PDF 755 KB]
- Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Documentary options for tariff reduction available to Australian Exporters per FTA [PDF 137 KB]
- Adsteam Marine Ltd [PDF]
- Alex Malik [PDF]
- Altium Ltd [PDF]
- ANZ Group
- Apple & Pear Australia
- ASPECT Melbourne Pty Ltd [PDF]
- Association of Consulting Engineers Australia [PDF]
- Aust Vice-Chancellors Committee [PDF]
- Australasian Performing Right Association Limited (APRA) / Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society (AMCOS)
- Australia China Business Council (Victoria) [PDF]
- Australia Tibet Council [PDF]
- Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association [PDF]
- Australian Chamber of Commerce (Beijing) [PDF]
- Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Cover letter | [PDF]
- Australian Chicken Meat Federation Inc
- Australian Conservation Foundation [PDF]
- Australian Cotton Industry Council Ltd
- Australian Cotton Shippers Association
- Australian Dairy Industry Council Inc [PDF]
- Australian Electrical & Electronic Manufactures' Association First submission | Second submission | Third submission
- Australian Fair Trade & Investment Network (AFTINET) First submission | Second submission
- Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft First submission
- Australian Film Commission [PDF]
- Australian Food and Grocery Council First submission | Second submission
- Australian Horticultural Exporters Association [PDF]
- Australian Industry Group [PDF]
- Australian Labor Party – Geelong West Branch [PDF]
- Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union [PDF]
- Australian Nurses Federation [PDF]
- Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council [PDF]
- Australian Oilseeds Federation
- Australian Plantation Products & Paper Industry Council [PDF]
- Australian Pork Limited [PDF]
- Australian Prawn Farmers Association [PDF]
- Australian Steel Institute [PDF]
- Australian Stock Exchange [PDF]
- Australian Tyre Manufacturers' Association [PDF]
- Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation [PDF]
- Australian Wool Innovation Ltd [PDF]
- Australian Wool Processors Council Inc [PDF]
- Avcare Ltd [PDF]
- AWB Limited
- Basell Australia Pty Ltd
- Beat Knoblauch & Associates
- Benedict Coyne First submission | Second submission
- BHP Billiton
- BlueScope Steel
- BRADSAL – National Coating Company Pty Ltd [PDF]
- Building Products Innovation Council (BPIC) [PDF]
- Business Council of Australia
- Business Development Services Australia [PDF]
- Carindale Wines [PDF]
- Carpet Institute of Australia Ltd [PDF]
- CBH Group
- Cement Industry Federation
- Central Queensland University [PDF]
- ChevronTexaco Australia First submission | Second submission
- Clayton Utz [PDF]
- Commonwealth Bank
- Conference of Leaders of Religious Institutes in New South Wales [PDF]
- Copyright Agency Limited [PDF]
- Coral Sea Studios
- CPA Australia [PDF]
- CPA Australia Hong Kong Division [PDF]
- Dairy Australia [PDF]
- David Smith [PDF]
- Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (Deloitte) [PDF]
- Department of Education and Training, Western Australia [PDF]
- Dibbs Abbott Stillman [PDF]
- Dr Peter Thorn [PDF]
- Dr Thomas Faunce, Australian National University [PDF]
- Dr Turlough F. Guerin [PDF]
- Edith Knight First submission | Second submission
- Elders Australia Ltd
- Engineers Australia First submission | Second submission
- Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group [PDF]
- Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries [PDF]
- Federation of Automotive Products Manufacturers [PDF]
- Fisher Adams Kelly [PDF]
- Flight Centre Ltd
- Ford Motor Company
- Furnishing Industry Association of Australia [PDF]
- Gift and Homewares Australia [PDF]
- Global Foundation Secretariat
- Goodman Fielder Ltd
- Growcom [PDF]
- Holden
- Horticultural Market Access Committee (HMAC)
- Horticulture Australia Ltd
- Hunt & Hunt [PDF]
- Hydro Tasmania [PDF]
- Ian Quin [PDF]
- Institute for International Business, Economics and Law; University of Adelaide [PDF]
- Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys [PDF]
- Insurance Australia Group First submission | Second submission
- Jak Fruit [PDF]
- Julie D'Alcorn [PDF]
- JML Australia
- John Cole and Ruth Hill [PDF]
- Kembla Products
- Law Institute of Victoria [PDF]
- Lawyers for Animals [PDF]
- LiveCorp
- Mahinder Lall [PDF]
- MasterFoods ANZ (Mars)
- Mayne Group Ltd [PDF]
- Meat & Livestock Australia
- Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance [PDF]
- Medical Devices Industry Action Agenda [PDF]
- Minerals Council [PDF]
- Murray Valley Citrus Marketing Board [PDF]
- National Association of Forestry Industries (NAFI) [PDF]
- National Farmers Federation
- Northern Territory – Minister for Asian Relations and Trade [PDF]
- One Steel
- Penrice Soda Products
- Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association [PDF]
- Q Concepts First submission | Second submission
- Qantas
- Qenos
- Queensland Nurses' Union [PDF]
- Ricegrowers' Association of Australia Inc
- Richardson Business Consultants Pty Ltd [PDF]
- RJ Quirk Consulting [PDF]
- Royal Australian Institute of Architects [PDF]
- Science Industry Action Agenda [PDF]
- South Australian Aquaculture Council Inc
- South Australian Government
- Southedge Seeds Pty Ltd [PDF]
- Stephen Thornton [PDF]
- Supply Line (Australia) Pty Ltd [PDF]
- Symex Holdings Ltd First submission | Second submission
- Tanda International Pty Ltd [PDF]
- Telstra Corporation
- Textile & Fashion Industries of Australia [PDF] | First submission | Second submission
- Thomas Winch Company (Qld) Pty Ltd [PDF]
- Toyota
- Trade Mark Investigation Services (TMIS) [PDF]
- UnitingCare NSW/ACT [PDF]
- Victoria – Minister for Manufacturing [PDF]
- Victorian Government [PDF]
- Viscopy Ltd [PDF]
- WA Chamber of Commerce & Industry [PDF]
- WA Fishing Council
- Warren Cauliflower Group Inc [PDF]
- Western Australia – Department of Industry and Resources
- Western Australian Farmers Federation (Inc) [PDF]
- Windsor Farm
- Winemakers Federation of Australia [PDF]
- World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong [PDF]
Some of the submissions received were provided in-confidence and have not been published.
More information on public consultation, and all other aspects of ChAFTA, can be found in the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) and the National Interest Analysis (NIA).