Guiding Principles, Objectives and Organisation of Negotiations
Indonesia and Australia agreed the Guiding Principles, Objectives and Organisation of Negotiations for IA-CEPA at the first round of negotiations. This will serve as an ongoing reference document throughout the course of negotiations.
IA-CEPA: Guiding Principles, Objectives and Organisation of Negotiations
Indonesia-Australia Business Partnership Group (IA-BPG) Position Paper
The IA-BPG presented its Position Paper on Considerations Towards the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement to both governments in November 2012.
IA-BPG Position Paper [PDF 2 MB]
AusAID Discussion Paper - Trade, aid and development in Indonesia
In February 2011, AusAID released a discussion paper on trade, aid and development in Indonesia.
- Trade, aid and development in Indonesia - a discussion paper [DOC 4.47 MB]
- Trade, aid and development in Indonesia - annexes [DOC 1.35 MB]
The paper considers issues relevant to the trade, aid and development policy agenda.
Joint Feasibility Study
In August 2007, Australia and Indonesia commenced a joint feasibility study to examine the merits of a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA). That study was completed and publicly released in April 2009:
Australia-Indonesia FTA Joint Feasibility Study [PDF 472 KB]
The feasibility study, which included an independent economic modelling component, examined the potential impact of an FTA on Australian and Indonesian economic growth, trade, investment, commercial linkages and competitiveness.
Estimating the impact of an Australia–Indonesia trade and investment agreement [PDF 1.12 MB] - Centre for International Economics, January 2009
The study found that a comprehensive FTA covering trade and investment would provide worthwhile economic benefits for both countries. It shows that the greatest gains would be achieved under an FTA that eliminated all tariff and non-tariff barriers to bilateral trade and investment. It also finds that an FTA would be an opportunity to accelerate and deepen the integration of the Australian and Indonesian economies – the two largest in the region.
The study further concludes that a bilateral FTA would complement and build on Australia's other links with Indonesia. These include: close security cooperation under the umbrella of the Lombok Treaty (2008); extensive people to people links which would naturally benefit from intensified economic engagement; and the dynamic Australia-Indonesia Development Partnership.
Indonesia-Australia FTA Feasibility Study - Background Paper for Industry Consultations - 17 October 2007