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Australia-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement

Australia-UAE CEPA - Steps to entry into force

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September 2024: Conclusion of Negotiations

UAE and Australia conclude negotiations on all issues

November 2024: Ministers’ Signature

Agreement is signed by Australian and UAE trade ministers. Both parties must then complete required legal processes before CEPA can enter into force.

November 2024: Scrutiny by Parliament

UAE CEPA is tabled in Parliament, along with a National Interest Analysis and Impact Analysis (IA)*, and considered by the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT).

Early 2025: Passage of Legislation

Legislation changes to implement the agreement are passed by Parliament.

Mid 2025: Entry into force*

An exchange of diplomatic notes between Australia and the UAE, which confirms that both countries have completed all necessary procedures.

Steps to entry into force - Australia’s treaty-making process

*Subject to both Parties completing all required processes

**The Impact Analysis and The National Interest Analysis are reports setting out what is in the CEPA and how it affects Australians.

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