Summary of publication
The Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC) is a flagship program of the Australian Government, promoting economic growth across the Pacific region through skills training and employment. APTC provides Australian qualifications matched to the labour needs of the private sector, including in the automotive, manufacturing, construction, electrical, tourism, hospitality, health and community sectors. More than 8000 Pacific Islanders have benefited since the APTC commenced operation in 2007.
DFAT commissioned an independent review of the program to inform decisions on the future of APTC. The report highlighted that APTC has generated "extensive goodwill" among stakeholders. The review outlined that throughout Stages I and II, APTC has produced high quality graduates, achieved a high completion rate and helped raise the quality standards in the wider Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system in the Pacific through partnerships with national TVET institutions and provision of tertiary teaching and training qualifications.
The review also identified some challenges to be addressed in order to streamline administration, reduce unit costs, mobilise greater resources from private sector enterprises and improve systems to better gauge the impact and outcomes of the program.
DFAT's Management Response to the independent review report commits DFAT, APTC and the implementing partner, TAFE Queensland, to ensuring that we maintain APTC's strong goodwill while improving efficiencies and strengthening the engagement with the private sector. DFAT will also commence analytical and design work for a future phase of support to help grow skills for employment in the Pacific.
Full publication
- Independent Review 2014 [PDF 695 KB]
- Independent Review 2014 [Word 251 KB]
- Independent Evaluation Annexes [PDF 2.1 MB]
- Independent Evaluation Annexes [Word 2 MB]
- Management response [99 KB]
- Management response [Word 61 KB]