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Development assistance in Nepal

Flag of Nepal

Pillar 1 – Health Security


Australia is working with Nepal to strengthen its health and emergency preparedness systems. Australia is providing personal protective equipment medical equipment for hospitals, COVID−19 testing kits and related training for health workers. We support equitable access to safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines in Nepal through regional and global investments, such as the GAVI COVAX Advance Market Commitment. Australia’s Non-Government Organisations, the Australia Awards and the Water for Women investments support COVID-19 health priorities, including gender sensitive approaches to water access and health and hygiene promotion, to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Further information, including situation analysis, expected outcomes, key results and Australia’s broader engagement, can be found in COVID-19 Development Response Plan.

Related initiatives

Strengthening Humanitarian Preparedness in Nepal

$4.77 million, 2018 to 2024

Australia has a long-standing partnership with Nepal in providing humanitarian assistance, including in response to the devastating earthquake in 2015. Australia is responding to the pressures of COVID-19 and natural disasters, including landslide and flooding  during the 2020 monsoon season.

We support women and girls through sexual and reproductive health services, including working with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to provide sexual and reproductive health supplies. Our support has enabled essential sexual and reproductive health and gender‑based violence services to continue during the COVID-19 lockdown and ensured dignity kits can be provided to women in quarantine centres. To improve food security during the pandemic and in support of the Government of Nepal’s Health Sector Emergency Response Plan, Australia is working with the World Food Programme (WFP) to deliver immediate food security and logistics response activities. This also includes supporting households impacted by the 2020 monsoon season and COVID-19.

Additional information on the partnership can be found on the Nepal World Food Programme website.

Related documents

Name of document Year published
WFP: Impact on households in Nepal: mVAM survey 2020

Comprehensive Sexuality Education Program

$2 million, 2020 to 2025

In partnership with UNFPA Nepal, Australia is providing support in five districts to ensure young people have adequate information and knowledge on gender equality and sexual and reproductive health. The program is currently in its third phase and (2020-2025) and is supporting decision-making by young people on their sexual and reproductive health amidst the pandemic. Building on the successes and lessons learnt over the years the program tackles the root causes of gender based violence.

Additional information on the partnership can be found on the United Nations Population Fund Nepalwebsite.

Related documents

Water, Energy and Climate Change Investment in Nepal

$1.0 million 2022-2023

The program will focus on building capabilities for green, inclusive and climate resilient development of the vulnerable communities in the Koshi River Basin. This program will build on Australia’s support to the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development on the Koshi Basin and identify opportunities for joint programming with UK.

Water Governance in Nepal

$1.4 million, 2020 to 2026

Australia is supporting the Government of Nepal to devise a National Water Resources Policy which is instrumental in responding to the impacts of COVID-19. In partnership with the International Centre of Excellence for Water Resource Management (ICEWaRM) the assistance is providing local government with a framework for policy development and supporting Nepal’s sub-national governments to improve processes and systems related to water governance.

Additional information on the partnership can be found on the International Centre of Excellence for Water Resource Management website.

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