Development assistance in Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands and Australia: building a more resilient, prosperous, and inclusive Solomon Islands infographic. Larger version [PDF 400 KB]
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Solomon Islands and Australia: building a more resilient, prosperous, and inclusive Solomon Islands
- 600,000+ COVID-19 vaccine doses
- 40+ tonnes of COVID-19 medical supplies and equipment
- More than 3000 Solomon Islands workers sending remittances to their families and communities
- 480+ Australia Awards scholarships to Solomon Islanders since 2006 bringing new skills and knowledge back home
- 230 women entrepreneurs provided with financial and business development services in 2020-21
- Solomon Islands is a signatory to PACER Plus which is improving opportunities for trade and investment
- More than AU$2 billion in development assistance over 11 years from 2010 to 2021. Australia is by far Solomon Islands’ largest development partner, providing around two thirds of all assistance
- Infrastructure upgrades, training and equipment to build RSIPF capability to manage WWII-era ordnance
- AU$200 million Coral Sea Cable project delivered in 2020
- RAMSI 2003 to 2017 helped build security, stability and prosperity
- More than 200 Australian Defence, Police and diplomatic personnel deployed for Solomons International Assistance Force (SIAF) since November 2021 working alongside those from Fiji, PNG and New Zealand to restore law and order to Honiara
- 2 guardian class patrol boats for maritime security and disaster response
- Building border and patrol boat outposts on the western and eastern borders