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Development assistance in Solomon Islands

Flag of Solomon Islands

Australia’s development partnership with Solomon Islands

2025-26 bilateral allocation [budget estimate]

$103.6 million

2025-26 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]

$170.9 million

2024-25 bilateral allocation [budget estimate]

$103.6 million

2024-25 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]

$171.2 million

2023-24 total Australian ODA [actual]

$159.9 million

Australia and Solomon Islands are strong economic, development and security and partners and we shape our efforts to respond to Solomon Islands priorities. Since the withdrawal of RAMSI in 2017, Australia has provided over $1.1 billion of ODA through our development program, in the areas of justice, health, education, agriculture, governance, gender, and security.

Australia is partnering with Solomon Islands to implement their National Development Strategy (2016-2035). We are scaling up health systems support, improving access to services through investments in education, telecommunications, and infrastructure, helping build capacity in the police force and boosting the skills of Solomon Islands' workers to contribute to economic security.

Australia will work with the Solomon Islands Government to implement Australia's new International Development Policy, and the Australia-Solomon Islands Development Partnership Plan (under development in 2024). Key commitments of this policy including genuine and respectful partnerships, strengths-based approaches, climate change, gender equality and inclusion, localisation, civil society, innovative development financing and accountability for results. Prior to finalisation of the Development Partnership Plan, Australia continues to work within the Partnerships for Recovery: Australia's COVID-19 Development Response — which is focused on three key pillars for recovery - health security, stability and economic recovery. Country specific details are outlined in the Solomon Islands COVID-19 Development Response Plan.

Pillar 1 – health security

Our Health Sector Support Program was scaled-up to provide an additional $14.1 million over three years (2020-23) for COVID-19 vaccine access, including delivery support and vaccine procurement. This funding has increased pandemic preparedness, supported provincial health services, and enabled domestic COVID-19 testing capacity. As the largest development partner in the health sector, Australia is supporting funding for broader health system priorities, as well as incorporating climate change and disaster resilience measures into our programs.

Pillar 2 – stability

A stable Solomon Islands is critical to economic growth, human development and regional security. Australia's programs in governance, justice and policing work towards safer communities in Solomon Islands. Australia is supporting the Solomon Islands Government to enhance border security and to extend the reach of government services and economic networks more broadly throughout the country. Social inclusion is a key focus, as will supporting schools and strengthening access to judicial and correctional services. Australia is working to actively address gender imbalances in opportunity across our investments, and is working to ensure women and children, including women and children with disabilities, have access to protection and support services.

Pillar 3 – economic recovery

Australia is supporting the Solomon Islands Government's efforts to promote economic growth by supporting the development of local businesses and promoting export development. Improved business resilience is key to improving local livelihoods and generating inclusive growth for all Solomon Islanders.

Through our training and education programs, we are supporting Solomon Islanders to upskill their abilities, improving the quality of its labour force. Higher skilled workers contribute more productively to Solomon Islands economy.

Solomon Islands’ participation in the PALM scheme has helped address labour shortages in Australia and contributed to the economic development of our region by generating remittances and building workers’ skills. Over 7,600 Solomon Islander workers have worked in Australia in various industries, including 4820 currently in Australia [as at August 2024]. PALM scheme workers send home an average of $1,500 each per month, boosting Pacific economies and lifting families out of poverty.

Australia has contributed AUD25 million in to support Solomon Islands’ trade and economic integration objectives. Our Strongim Bisnis and PHAMA Plus programs have collectively generated AUD5.5 million in value-added exports to the Solomon Islands’ economy.

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