Solomon Islands

General information
Solomon Islands is an archipelagic state situated in the south-west Pacific Ocean, approximately 2,000 kms to the northeast of Australia. Its land mass of 28,400 km² extends over nearly 1000 islands comprising nine main island groups. The capital, Honiara, is located on Guadalcanal, the largest island.
The population of Solomon Islands, estimated to be about 758,000 (2024), is predominantly Melanesian, although there are small Polynesian, Micronesian, Chinese and European communities. There are 63 distinct languages in the country, with numerous local dialects. English is the official language, but Solomons’ Pijin is most commonly spoken.
Historical overview
Solomon Islands was first settled sometime between 30,000 and 28,000 BC by people coming from the Bismarck Islands and New Guinea when sea levels were lower and Buka and Bougainville were physically joined to southern Solomon Islands in one landmass (Greater Bougainville). Over millennia, distinct and rich cultures developed across the islands that now make up the nine provinces of Solomon Islands.
In 1893, the UK Government established a protectorate over the eastern group of islands, with Germany controlling most of the west. The UK protectorate was extended to all nine main island groups now part of Solomon Islands, while Buka and Bougainville became part of German New Guinea (later incorporated into Papua New Guinea).
Solomon Islands was granted internal self-government in 1976, followed by independence on 7 July 1978. At independence, Solomon Islands joined the Commonwealth.
Political overview
System of government
The unicameral national Parliament comprises 50 members elected for a four-year term under a first-past-the-post voting system. The Prime Minister is elected by a simple majority of members of Parliament. Party structures in Solomon Islands are fluid, with extensive coalition building usually required to form government. In addition to the national Government, there are nine provincial assemblies, each led by a Premier.
Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI)
In December 1998, existing ethnic tensions on Guadalcanal rapidly escalated. Many Guadalcanal people resented the influence of settlers from other islands and their occupation of undeveloped land in and around Honiara. The settlers, mostly from nearby Malaita, were drawn to Honiara and its environs by comparatively greater economic opportunities. Clashes involving rival militant groups erupted, destabilising Solomon Islands and undermining national institutions. This situation persisted for more than four years.
In April 2003, then Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sir Allan Kemakeza requested Australian assistance in addressing the violence. Following consultations between the Governments of Solomon Islands, Australia and New Zealand, a comprehensive package of strengthened assistance to support the Solomon Islands Government – the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) – was proposed and unanimously endorsed by a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Pacific Islands Forum. RAMSI was debated and unanimously endorsed by the Solomon Islands Parliament, welcomed by the President of the UN Security Council, commended by then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and supported by the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group and then Commonwealth Secretary-General Sir Don McKinnon.
RAMSI was a long-term commitment aimed at creating the conditions necessary for a return to stability, peace and a growing economy. RAMSI arrived in Solomon Islands in July 2003 and was a partnership between Solomon Islands, Australia and fifteen contributing countries of the Pacific region. Australia led the contingent of military personnel, police and civilians. On 1 July 2013, RAMSI’s military component concluded and associated development assistance activities were transferred to the programs of donors. RAMSI concluded on 30 June 2017.
Bilateral relations
Australia was the first country to establish diplomatic relation with Solomon Islands, upon Solomon Islands’ independence on 7 July 1978. We have strong people-to-people links, shared democratic values and a longstanding history of cooperation.
Australia is an important economic partner, and Solomon Islands’ largest development partner, supporting almost all areas of society and the economy, with programs spanning health, justice, education, governance, gender, climate, infrastructure and private sector development.
There is regular two-way engagement between Australian and Solomon Islands’ ministers and senior officials. Prime Minister Albanese hosted Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manele as Guest of the Australian Government from 23-29 June 2024. This was Prime Minister Manele’s first international visit since taking office in May 2024. A joint statement was issued by both Prime Ministers following their leaders’ meeting on 26 June 2024.
Security cooperation
Australia remains a steadfast security partner for Solomon Islands and is committed to supporting Solomon Islands' security priorities.
On 14 August 2017, our governments signed a bilateral security treaty which allowed Australian police, defence and associated civilian personnel to deploy rapidly to Solomon Islands in the event of an emergency. This agreement entered into force on 13 June 2018. The treaty was activated for the first time in November 2021 at the request of then Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare following civil unrest in Honiara. Australian defence and police personnel deployed in less than 24 hours to assist the RSIPF as part of the Solomons International Assistance Force (SIAF).
From 2021-2024, security personnel from Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Papua New Guinea worked alongside the RSIPF to restore stability, provide security support for the 2023 Pacific Games, and deliver safe and secure Joint Elections on 17 April 2024 and subsequent parliamentary sitting periods. Over 1600 Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Australian Defence Force (ADF) officers deployed to Solomon Islands throughout this time. SIAF concluded on 18 August 2024.
On 20 December 2024, Prime Minister Albanese and Prime Minister Manele released a joint statement announcing Australia would provide a package of support to grow the size and capability of the RSIPF, in response to a request by Solomon Islands. Guided by Solomon Islands' priorities, the package will include funding, training and infrastructure support to grow the RSIPF in a sustainable manner, including support for a new sovereign Police Training Centre in Honiara. Australia's support for RSIPF expansion is based on Solomon Islands three-tier security framework, constituting a strengthened RSIPF first, support from Melanesian countries second, and from members of the Pacific Islands Forum third.
In addition to our support for RSIPF expansion, Australia and Solomon Islands continue to work together through our longstanding security cooperation programs. Under our RSIPF – AFP Policing Partnership Program (RAPPP), AFP personnel work alongside RSIPF counterparts to provide mentorship, enabling assistance for major operations and targeted training and exchange programs. Our Defence Cooperation Program (DCP), established in 1982, is focused on boosting the RSIPF's maritime security, explosive ordnance disposal, border surveillance, band, education, infrastructure and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) capabilities.
Australia and Solomon Islands also have growing links in cyber and border security, including through our partnership to establish a new Border Management System and uplift the capabilities of the Solomon Islands Customs and Excise Division.
Economic overview
Solomon Islands is one of the Pacific's most challenging locations to achieve sustained economic outcomes. While many Pacific Island Country's remote locations and small populations make service delivery and supporting private sector development difficult, Solomon Islands has acute challenges owing to its incredibly dispersed internal population. Major long-term constraints to its growth include poor infrastructure and connectivity, under-developed labour skills, high utility costs, land tenure issues, and limited public administration and financial management capacity.
The Asian Development Bank estimates 35 per cent of people in Solomon Islands live below the international poverty line (USD2.15 per day) and just under a quarter of Solomon Islanders are paid and working in the formal sector of the economy. Most of the population works in subsistence agriculture. Solomon Islands has a young and growing population; over 59 per cent are under 24 years of age and the total population is projected to grow from 720,000 to over 1.3 million by 2050.
Solomon Islands is one of the few remaining Pacific Island Countries still recovering from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 period (2020-2022). The recovery and diversification of the economy is a key priority of the Solomon Islands Government, particularly as the logging industry (the economy's main driver over the last few decades) is in significant decline.
Commercial fishing and processing are an identified source of growth, alongside the expansion of commercial agricultural activities. Other identified sources of growth sectors include tourism and mining. At the household level, remittance transfers and agricultural skills gained from labour mobility, particularly the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme, support local livelihoods and incomes.
Australia is Solomon Islands' number one economic partner. Our relationship leads across trade, investment, tourism, and labour mobility sectors. Two-way trade totalled $391.6 million in 2023, as Solomon Islands' exports to Australia increased over 60 per cent (from the previous year) to $224 million. Australia exported just over $165 million in goods and services to Solomon Islands over the same period.
Major exports from Solomon Islands to Australia include gold, timber, and copra. Under PACER Plus all goods from Solomon Islands enjoy tariff free access to Australia, and the accompanying development program is helping Solomon Islands to address non-tariff barriers to continuing the expansion of export opportunities.
Australia is Solomon Islands largest source of foreign direct investment ($48 million in 2023) and top source of tourists (45 per cent of all visitors). Shipping and air services directly connect Solomon Islands with Australia, and one Australian commercial bank (ANZ) operates in Solomon Islands. SolRais (a division of SunRice) is the largest Australian commercial presence in Solomon Islands. Australian legal and accounting firms are also represented directly, or in association, with local firms.
Development assistance
Australia is Solomon Islands' main development partner, providing an estimated $171.2 million of Official Development Assistance in 2024-25. Australia’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) brings together efforts from bilateral, regional and global funding as well as other Government Departments. The Australian Federal Police and the Australian Department of Defence are significant non-ODA contributors to Solomon Islands development.
Australian development cooperation focuses on priority sectors including infrastructure, jobs and skills, private sector development, health, education, governance and elections, access to justice, and women’s leadership.
Australia is currently working with Solomon Islands on a Development Partnership Plan to guide our cooperation in accordance with the International Development Policy.
More information on development assistance in Solomon Islands
Community Partnership Grants
Community Partnerships Grants (previously the Direct Aid Program) is a small grants program funded from Australia's development budget in Solomon Islands. It has the flexibility to work with local communities in developing projects that reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development consistent with Australia's national interest. Funding is available on a not-for-profit basis to community groups, NGOs and other entities engaged in development activities.
Get involved in Community Partnership Grants
People to people links
Australia Awards
Australia Awards are prestigious international scholarships offered by the Australian Government to the next generation of global leaders. Through study and research, recipients develop the skills and knowledge to drive change and help build enduring people-to-people links with Australia. Australia Awards are aligned with Australia's development assistance in Solomon Islands, targeting human resource gaps in identified priority sectors. They aim to provide awardees with the skills and knowledge to drive change and influence economic and social development. In 2024-25, Australia will provide a record-breaking 100 new Australia Awards to Solomon Islanders, spanning undergraduate, postgraduate and short course opportunities at Australian universities.
For more information, visit the Australia Awards website.
The Australian Volunteers Program matches skilled Australians with organisations in developing countries to help these organisations to deliver on their own objectives. The program uses international volunteering as a people-centred approach to capacity development. The Australian Volunteers Program is part of the Australian Government's people-to-people program portfolio, connecting Australians to Australia's development cooperation program and the region. For more information visit the Australian Volunteers page.
Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme
The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme commenced in 2022, merging the previously existing Seasonal Worker Programme and Pacific Labour Scheme. Under the scheme, workers from Pacific countries and Timor-Leste are recruited by eligible businesses in Australia to fill labour gaps in rural and regional Australia for up to four year roles. It offers Pacific and Timor-Leste workers the opportunity to develop their skills and send income home.