Summary of publication
This document is an independent completion report (ICR) for the Australia East Timor Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program (RWSSP), known locally as 'Bee, Saneamentu no Ijene iha Komunidade', or BESIK. Fieldwork for this evaluation was carried out in August 2012 and involved interviews with more than 250 stakeholders.
The report is structured in terms of responses to six key evaluation questions: The first three concern the next phase of the program (BESIK II); and the second three concern lessons of wider relevance to Australia's other initiatives in Timor Leste. The report argues that many of the positive changes witnessed in the recent past in rural WASH have been fostered by Australia's long-term commitment to the sector. The report makes 21 recommendations for BESIK II and also identifies 17 lessons for other programs more broadly.