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Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grants Program FAQ

Why does the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade run this program?

Cultural diplomacy plays a vital role in international relations, offering unique opportunities to foster mutual understanding and to build relationships. Through cultural diplomacy initiatives, DFAT strengthens Australia's influence, reputation, reach, and relationships overseas.

How often are grants rounds announced?

Once a year – the 2024-25 ACDGP round opened on 13 January 2025.

Who is and who isn't eligible to apply?

You must be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident of Australia or an Australian organisation.

Further eligibility criteria can be found on pages 6 – 7 of the 2024-25 ACDGP Guidelines.

Where can I find the assessment criteria?

The five criteria can be found on pages 9 – 10 of the Guidelines.

Where can I find the instructions for applying?

All the instructions for applying can be found on pages 11 – 13 of the Guidelines.

What are the priority sectors and targeted countries or regions?

Favourable consideration will be provided to:

  • projects that are multi-country in scope or strengthen regional engagement in support of the other objectives;
  • projects delivered in the Pacific, including Papua New Guinea;
  • applications with identified international partners;
  • applications from First Nations people and organisations;
  • projects that are delivered outside of Australia.

Projects that do not deliver on these priorities are still encouraged to apply.

What attachments will I need to include in my application?

  • Referee reports x 2
  • CV or URL to bio.
  • A letter of support from your Research Office or equivalent if you apply on behalf of a university.
  • Child protection guidelines (if project involves working with children).

The grants round is now open, when does it close?

The 2024-25 ACDGP opened on Monday 13 January 9:00am (AEDT). Applications close on Monday 17 February at 4.00pm (AEDT).

If the grants round is closed, can I apply for a grant outside of the round?

No, the ACDGP only considers applications through the advertised grant round.

When will I know if my application has been successful?

We anticipate advising successful applicants at the end of April 2025.

When can my activity start?

If successful in the ACDGP 2024-25 round, you must start planning your grant activity before 30 June 2025, and after finalisation of a signed grant agreement.

My activity does not specifically address the grant round objectives, can I still apply?

The Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grants Program (ACDGP) supports DFAT's Public Diplomacy strategic objectives as set out in section 2.1 of the guidelines.

All potential grants will be considered against the strategic objectives of the program as well as artistic merit and value for money.

How much funding has the Australian Government allocated to the 2024-25 ACDGP Round?

A total of $442,000 has been allocated to the 2024-25 ACDGP round.

Can I request more than $60,000 for my grant?

No, applications are capped at a maximum of $60,000.

I have a question, who can I ask?

All questions received will be published on GrantConnect, so we suggest you check there first. If your question has not yet been addressed, please email

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