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Advancing Multilateral Partnerships for Economic Development (AMPED) Independent Midterm Review

Summary of publication

AMPED is a DFAT-funded investment which has an overall goal of contributing to rapid, sustainable, and inclusive economic growth in the Philippines by enabling support from multilateral institutions including the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, International and Finance Corporation, and United Nations Children’s Fund. The review was commissioned to assess the midterm progress of the AMPED investment against its end of program outcomes (EOPOs) and to recommend relevant adjustments towards its completion.  It covered the implementation period from July 2018 to June 2022.

The review concluded that both AMPED EOPOs have been partially achieved at midterm. There is a mixed level of progress against the intermediate outcomes (IOs). The review recommended a design refresh for AMPED focused on upstream policy, legal, and regulatory reforms.  The design refresh should clarify AMPED’s strategic intent.  It was also recommended that DFAT to continue its partnership with DFAT and IFC.

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Summary of Management Response

DFAT welcomes the midterm review findings and agrees with majority of the recommendations proposed in the report. DFAT will proceed to a design refresh of the AMPED program subject to the design of the new inclusive economic growth investment in the Philippines (PROGRESS), including its scope and objectives, noting that both investments contribute to ‘Objective 2: Bolstering inclusive and sustainable economic growth’ of the Australia-Philippines Development Partnership Plan 2024-2029.

This will ensure efficiency, address complementarity and support alignment between investments.  The design refresh will factor in the strategic, programmatic, and operational recommendations proposed through the review.  DFAT will continue its partnership with the Word Bank through the AGaP Trust Fund with a multi-year approach to programming both in terms of funding and activity timeline.  Post will consider the possibility of partnering with International and Finance Corporation, where appropriate.

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