Output 2.1: Public Information
Provision of public information on the development, implementation and regulation of weapons of mass destruction in non-proliferation regimes, and Australia's role in these activities.
Performance Measures
- Effective public education and outreach.
Performance Assessment
Due to the restrictions imposed by the COVID–19 pandemic, ASNO had to curtail its efforts to ensure Australia's WMD non-proliferation objectives are understood in the public, private, non-government and academic sectors, suspending most presentations, training and other outreach activities. Outreach through social media continued, including in connection with the campaign for election of Australia's candidate as CTBTO Executive Secretary.
ASNO continued however to provide as much guidance and regulatory support possible to permit holders and other general enquiries via extended calls, virtual meetings and online responses. ASNO will continue to attend peak industry forums, conduct on-site outreach visits, and give lectures and presentations in academic and other fora as activities prudent to the pandemic will allow.
For example, during 2020–21 ASNO attended peak industry forums, conducted on-site outreach visits, and gave lectures and presentations in academic and other fora. ASNO delivered modules and assisted with tutorials on safeguards for the online Master of Nuclear Engineering course Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards at the University of New South Wales (UNSW).
ASNO also supported public information and outreach activities through attendance and discussions at the Minerals Council of Australia.
During 2020–21, ASNO updated a number of its template permits and compliance codes for ASNO's current permit and authority holders. In the interests of informing future potential permit holders and the general public on regulatory requirements, ASNO made the updated template permits and compliance codes publicly available online.29
Gilbert's dragon (Lophognathus gilberti) resting on stairs at the Ranger Uranium Mine.