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50th Session of the Human Rights Council

Joint Statement delivered during Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the right to education by the EU, 23 June 2022


I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the European Union, its Member States, and a group of other countries, representing over ninety countries in total.

We thank the Special Rapporteur for her timely report.

Education is a human right. The digital transformation provides unique opportunities to accelerate the achievement of SDG4 on ensuring access to inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.

We stand for a digital transformation governed by human rights and we reiterate our commitment to promote economic, social and cultural rights, in respect of the principles of universality, indivisibility, interdependence and interrelatedness of all human rights.

While underlining the opportunities, we are aware of the risks of digital technologies, including potential violations of individuals' right to privacy and child abuse.

Online learning allowed millions of children and youth to keep accessing education during lockdowns.

We are committed to closing the various digital gaps, foster access to digital, information and media education and to empower everyone to participate confidently and safely in today's digital society and economy. Global connectivity to an open, free, interoperable, reliable, and secure Internet is a prerequisite in this regard.

Special Rapporteur, how can we best address the digital gender divide and promote digital learning for all?

I thank you.

List of co-sponsors (as of 23 June morning at 11:00):

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Albania
  3. Andorra
  4. Angola
  5. Argentina
  6. Armenia
  7. Australia
  8. Bahamas
  9. Bahrain
  10. Bolivia
  11. BosniHerzegovina
  12. CabVerde
  13. Cameroun
  14. Canada
  15. Chile
  16. Colombia
  17. Comoros
  18. CostRica
  19. Djibouti
  20. Ecuador
  21. Eswatini
  22. Fiji
  23. Georgia
  24. Guatemala
  25. Honduras
  26. Iceland
  27. Iraq
  28. Israel
  29. Kazakhstan
  30. Kenya
  31. Kuwait
  32. Lebanon
  33. Lesotho
  34. Liechtenstein
  35. Madagascar
  36. Malawi
  37. Malaysia
  38. Maldives
  39. MarshalIslands
  40. Mexico
  41. Moldova
  42. Monaco
  43. Mongolia
  44. Montenegro
  45. Namibia
  46. NeZealand
  47. Nigeria
  48. NortMacedonia
  49. Norway
  50. Oman
  51. Palestine
  52. Panama
  53. Paraguay
  54. Peru
  55. Qatar
  56. RepublioKorea
  57. RepublioSerbia
  58. RepublioVanuatu
  59. Samoa
  60. SaudArabia
  61. SierrLeone
  62. Switzerland
  63. Tanzania
  64. Timor-Leste
  65. Togo
  66. Tunisia
  67. Turkey
  68. UAE
  69. UK
  70. Uruguay
  71. Austria
  72. Belgium
  73. Bulgaria
  74. Croatia
  75. Cyprus
  76. CzecRepublic
  77. Denmark
  78. Estonia
  79. Finland
  80. France
  81. Germany
  82. Greece
  83. Hungary
  84. Ireland
  85. Italy
  86. Latvia
  87. Lithuania
  88. Luxembourg
  89. Malta
  90. Netherlands
  91. Poland
  92. Portugal
  93. Romania
  94. Slovakia
  95. Slovenia
  96. Spain
  97. Sweden
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